Threat Database Adware CinemaxMe Ads

CinemaxMe Ads

By CagedTech in Adware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 5,120
Threat Level: 10 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 2,264
First Seen: November 10, 2014
Last Seen: September 20, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

CinemaxMe Ads is a Possibly Unwanted Program. CinemaxMe allegedly provides a Web optimizing function to computer users when they want to watch online movies. CinemaxMe Ads may seem to be one interesting application to have installed on your machine. However, CinemaxMe Ads may display numerous, unnecessary advertisements that may interrupt the computer user's online activity. CinemaxMe Ads is related to adware that may enter the PC included in the installation of free applications that computer users may download from the Internet. CinemaxMe Ads' advertisements, if clicked, may reroute computer users to various suspicious websites that promote services and products. CinemaxMe Ads may also collect information about the PC user's search requests, surfing activity and visited websites. The collected data may be used for targeted marketing. It is the computer users who will determine if they want to keep CinemaxMe Ads installed on their computer or not.


CinemaxMe Ads may call the following URLs:


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