Threat Database Ransomware Capibara Ransomware

Capibara Ransomware

During their investigation into potential malware threats, cybersecurity researchers discovered the Capibara Ransomware. This threatening software encrypts files on affected systems with the intention of extorting ransom payments. The researchers observed a distinctive behavior where Capibara changes the names of encrypted files by appending a '.capibara' extension. For example, a file originally named '1.doc' would be renamed to '1.doc.capibara', and '2.jpg' would become '2.jpg.capibara' and so forth.

Upon completing the encryption process, Capibara further alters the desktop background image and generates a text file named 'READ_ME_USER.txt,' which contains instructions and demands from the attackers. Notably, the content of this ransom note is written in Russian.

The Capibara Ransomware Prevents Victims from Accessing Their Files

The ransom note left by Capibara warns victims that their files have been encrypted and cannot be restored without the involvement of the attackers. To regain access to their data, victims are directed to purchase a decryption program priced at 5000 Russian rubles (RUB) using Bitcoin (BTC) cryptocurrency. However, it's noted that the ransom amount of 0.073766 BTC does not align with the current exchange rate for rubles, which fluctuates regularly.

In cases involving ransomware, decrypting files without the assistance of cybercriminals is typically impossible unless dealing with severely flawed ransomware variants. Unfortunately, victims often do not receive the promised decryption keys or software even after meeting ransom demands. Therefore, cybersecurity experts strongly advise against complying with such demands, as data recovery is not guaranteed, and paying the ransom directly supports criminal activities.

While removing the Capibara ransomware from the system prevents further encryption, it does not restore access to files that have already been locked or encrypted.

Essential Security Measures to Implement on All Devices

To protect your data from ransomware threats on all devices, it's essential to implement a robust set of security measures. Here are the steps users should take:

  • Keep Software Updated: Always update the operating system, software applications, and anti-malware programs with the latest available updates. Software updates often deliver security patches that protect against known vulnerabilities exploited by ransomware.
  • Use Strong Anti-Malware Software: Install reputable anti-malware software on all devices. Ensure these programs are set to update and conduct regular scans automatically.
  • Enable Firewall: Activate and configure a firewall whenever possible to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic. Firewalls can help block unauthorized access and prevent malware from communicating with command-and-control servers.
  • Exercise Great Caution with Email Attachments and Links: Be very careful when dealing with email attachments or following links, especially from unknown or suspicious senders. Verify the legitimacy of unexpected attachments or links before interacting with them.
  • Backup Data Regularly: Implement a backup strategy by regularly backing up crucial data to an external hard drive, cloud storage or a secure backup service. Ensure backups are not continuously connected to the network to intercept them from being encrypted by ransomware.
  • Use Effective Passwords and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Use strong, unique passwords for all actively used accounts and enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) wherever possible. MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring an additional form of verification in addition to your password.
  • Limit User Privileges: Restrict user privileges to prevent unauthorized access and limit the damage that ransomware can cause. Use the principle of least privilege (PoLP) to make sure that users can only have access to the resources necessary for their roles.
  • Enable Pop-Up Blockers: Configure Web browsers to block pop-ups and avoid clicking on pop-up advertisements, which can be used to distribute ransomware.
  • Implement Network Segmentation: Segment your network to detach critical systems and data from less secure areas. This can help contain the spread of ransomware within your network.

By implementing these security measures consistently across all devices, users can significantly reduce the chances of falling victim to ransomware infections and protect their precious data from being encrypted and held hostage by cybercriminals.

The ransom note of the Capibara Ransomware in its original form is:

'Все ваши файлы на компьютере были успешно зашифрованы капибарой.
Ваш компьютер был заражен вирусом шифровальщиком. Все ваши файлы были зашифрованы и не могут быть восстановлены без нашей помощи. Для того, что бы восстановить их, вы можете купить программу для расшифровки файлов. Она позволит вам восстановить ваши данные и удалить вирус с компьютера.
Цена программы - 5000 рублей. Платеж только через битокин.
Как мне платить и где купить биткоин?
Поищите в гугле, спросите у знакомых, нам похер.

Payment informationAmount: 0.073766 BTC
Bitcoin Address: 17CqMQFeuB3NTzJ2X28tfRmWaPyPQgvoHV'


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