Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 972
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 1,408
First Seen: April 24, 2023
Last Seen: September 30, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The rogue page was discovered by researchers while looking into other similarly suspicious websites. The page is designed to promote browser notifications spam. One of the common deceptive scenarios found on these types of sites is trying to convince visitors that they must pass a CAPTCHA verification. Moreover, this Web page has the ability to redirect visitors to other sites, which are likely to be untrustworthy or even dangerous.

Typically, users come across pages like when they are redirected from other websites that use rogue advertising networks, misspelled URLs, spam notifications, intrusive ads or have installed adware on their systems.

Rogue Sites Like Aim to Lure Visitors into Granting Them Notification Permissions

When visiting rogue websites, the content encountered by users may vary depending on their IP address or geolocation.

When it comes to, the site was observed displaying an image of a purple robot along with instructions to 'Click 'Allow' if you are not a robot' to its visitors. This is a fraudulent CAPTCHA test designed to deceive users into allowing to deliver browser notifications or advertisements to their devices.

The ads promoted through such notifications are often related to online scams, harmful software, or other dubious content. Visiting sites like can result in serious consequences such as system infections, privacy issues, financial losses, and even identity theft. It is crucial for users to be vigilant and avoid interacting with suspicious websites to protect their personal and financial information.

Look for Signs Indicating a Fake CAPTCHA Check

A CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a security procedure used to verify that a user accessing a website or service is a human and not a computer program attempting to gain unauthorized access. There are two main types of CAPTCHAs: text-based and image-based.

A legitimate CAPTCHA check is designed to be user-friendly, accessible, and effective in preventing automated attacks. Text-based CAPTCHAs typically require the user to type in a sequence of letters or numbers that are distorted to prevent automated scripts from recognizing them. Image-based CAPTCHAs present the user with a series of images and require them to select the ones that match specific criteria, such as 'select all images with a traffic light.'

A fake CAPTCHA check, on the other hand, is designed to trick users into performing an action that benefits the attacker, such as clicking on a malicious link or allowing notifications. These fake CAPTCHA checks often use images or text that are intentionally difficult to read or, alternatively, extremely easy to complete. They may also ask the user to perform a task that has no relation to the security of the website or service.

To differentiate between a legitimate and a fake CAPTCHA check, users should look for signs of legitimacy, such as the presence of a well-known CAPTCHA provider or the use of standard CAPTCHA types. Users should also be wary of CAPTCHA checks that ask for personal information or perform actions that are not related to security, and they should only interact with CAPTCHAs that are displayed on legitimate websites.

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