Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 110
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 12,380
First Seen: April 9, 2023
Last Seen: September 30, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Cybersecurity researchers have confirmed that the website employs misleading tactics to deceive visitors into subscribing to its push notifications. Rogue or untrustworthy pages often display this behavior. Such websites are typically accessed unintentionally through redirects caused by previously visited pages that use rogue advertising networks.

Users Should be Careful When Dealing with Dubious Sites Like

When visiting, users may be presented with a CAPTCHA prompt that requests them to click the 'Allow' button as proof that they are human. However, this CAPTCHA prompt is entirely fake and is often abused by rogue websites. When users follow the instructions and click the 'Allow' button, it will enable the website to display push notifications. Therefore, users should exercise caution when visiting suspicious websites.

Websites like usually send push notifications that endorse tactics, phishing sites designed to steal all entered information, dubious applications, such as adware and browser hijackers, and other untrustworthy webpages that may contain harmful content. Consequently, it is strongly advised to refrain from granting permission to display notifications.

In addition, and similar websites may redirect users to other unscrupulous sites. This puts users at risk of encountering more dubious web content, which can lead to malware infections, financial loss, and other security issues.

Keep an Eye out for the Typical Signs of Fake CAPTCHA Checks

A CAPTCHA check is a security feature commonly utilized on websites to prevent automated bots from accessing their services or performing malicious actions. A fake CAPTCHA check is designed to mimic the appearance and behavior of a legitimate CAPTCHA check but with the intention of deceiving users into providing sensitive information or performing actions that benefit the attacker.

One typical sign of a fake CAPTCHA check is that it may be poorly designed or implemented, with inconsistencies in the appearance or behavior of the elements used in the check. For example, the graphics may appear distorted or low-quality, or the instructions or prompts may be vague, confusing, or contain spelling or grammatical errors.

Another sign of a fake CAPTCHA check is that it may ask for information or actions that are unusual or unnecessary for a legitimate check, such as requesting personal information like a name or address, or asking the user to complete a survey or download a file.

A fake CAPTCHA check also may be presented in a suspicious or unexpected context, such as being prompted to enter a CAPTCHA check when navigating to a page that would not typically require one or being presented with a check that is not relevant to the action the user is performing.

Overall, users should be cautious when presented with a CAPTCHA check and carefully evaluate its legitimacy before providing any information or completing any actions.

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