
What is Broken.Open and Why is It Showing Up in My Registry?

Broken.Open is not a malware infection, but rather a Windows Registry entry associated with legitimate security applications such as anti-malware scanners and anti-virus programs. The Broken.Open registry entry often gains the attention of PC security researchers because it is not rare for bugs associated with Broken.Open to cause computer problems and software conflicts. In fact, many problems associated with Broken.Open come from computer users trying to tamper with the Windows Registry, without the expertise to perform this operation safely. Removing problems associated with Broken.Open is not always easy, and the method can vary depending on the exact problem and specific situation. However, in general, Broken.Open can be left alone without any problems arising because of its presence. ESG PC security researchers consider that there is no harm in ignoring the presence of Broken.Open. In fact, manual removal is not recommended, since it is often more harmful to remove Broken.Open incorrectly than it is to simply leave Broken.Open in place. Any bugs arising from Broken.Open can be solved by removing Broken.Open automatically or following the correct procedure for manual removal.

Identifying a Problem Related to the Presence of Broken.Open in the Windows Registry

Most computer users will never have reason to search the Windows Registry. Even if they do so, usually they will not be alarmed by the presence of Broken.Open. In fact, the only reason why Broken.Open may cause a problem is through a software conflict. In these cases, bugs associated with Broken.Open conflicts tend to be very visible. Often, some essential applications and Windows components may be blocked because of a Broken.Open software conflict. In these cases, it is time to take a look at the Windows Registry to remove and identify the problem in the first place. ESG PC security researchers do not recommend removing the problem manually, unless you know exactly what to do. If you do not have the knowledge to edit your operating system's registry, improper removal of Broken.Open may end up causing irreparable harm to your operating system. In cases like these, it may be necessary to reinstall your operating system, often losing all of your data and applications in the process. Unlike spyware, which may be monitoring your online activity or malware which may be corrupting your data, Broken.Open is not a malign presence. Any problems arising from a Broken.Open conflict can wait until you obtain the proper automatic-removal tool.

File System Details

Broken.Open may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. %PROGRAM_FILES%\Broken.Open
2. C:\Documents and Settings\\Start Menu\Broken.Open\
3. C:\Documents and Settings\\Broken.Open\

Registry Details

Broken.Open may create the following registry entry or registry entries:

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