Threat Database Ransomware Anyv Ransomware

Anyv Ransomware

Anyv Ransomware is a type of harmful software that enciphers files on an infected system and demands a ransom payment to restore access. When Anyv Ransomware infects a system, it begins encrypting files using a robust encryption algorithm. Each file is appended with a random string and ".Anyv" extension. For example, a file named "document.docx" might be renamed to "document.docx.Ty6hZ.Anyv."

After completing the encryption process, the Anyv Ransomware generates a ransom note named "README.TXT." This note is typically placed in multiple directories on the infected system, including the desktop, to ensure the victim sees it.

Ransom Note Details and Contact Methods

The ransom note contains instructions on contacting the attackers and paying the ransom. It provides two primary contact addresses: via the Session messenger and the email address The note assures victims that the decryptor works by offering to decrypt one file for free. However, this file should not be of significant value,

  1. Session Messenger: A secure, decentralized messaging service used by attackers to maintain anonymity.
  2. Email: The provided email address,, is used for communication and negotiation.

How to Prevent and Mitigated a Ransomware Infection

To prevent infection by Anyv Ransomware, it's crucial to:

  • Keep your operating system and software up to date.
  • Use reputable anti-malware applications.
  • Avoid accessing suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.
  • Regularly back up important data to secure and offline locations.

If infected, avoid paying the ransom, as this does not guarantee file recovery and encourages further criminal activity. Instead, seek assistance from cybersecurity professionals and explore decryption tools that may be available from reputable sources.

The Anyv Ransomware ransom message is:


Your files, documents, photos, databases and other important files are encrypted.

If you found this document in a zip, do not modify the contents of that archive! Do not edit, add or remove files from it!

You are not able to decrypt it by yourself! The only method of recovering files is to purchase an unique decryptor.
Only we can give you this decryptor and only we can recover your files.

To be sure we have the decryptor and it works you can send an email:
decrypt one file for free.
But this file should be of not valuable!

Do you really want to restore your files?
Write to email:

Download the (Session) messenger (hxxps:// in messenger :ID"-"

* Do not rename or edit encrypted files and archives containing encrypted files.
* Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss.
* Decryption of your files with the help of third parties may cause increased price (they add their fee to our) or you can become a victim of a scam.'

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