Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 1,034
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 1,420
First Seen: May 16, 2023
Last Seen: September 29, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

During the evaluation of untrustworthy websites, infosec researchers came across the rogue page. This particular site functions by promoting spam browser notifications and redirecting users to other untrustworthy destinations. Users are highly likely to be taken to additional dubious or fraudulent sites. It is common for users to come across webpages like as a result of redirects initiated by previously visited sites that utilize rogue advertising networks. Uses a Fake CAPTCHA Check to Trick Visitors

It may be helpful to acknowledge that the content promoted on rogue websites, as well as the actions they encourage, can vary based on the visitor's IP address or geolocation. This means that users may encounter different content or be subjected to specific tactics depending on their location. has been observed displaying a continuously loading bar, accompanied by instructions urging visitors to click the 'Allow' button to subscribe to push notifications and continue watching. These misleading instructions create the impression that enabling browser notifications from this page is necessary to resume viewing online content.

If a user grants permission, will proceed to deliver advertisements primarily associated with various tactics, unreliable or harmful software and malware. As a consequence, users who engage with sites like may face severe ramifications, including system infections, significant privacy concerns, financial losses and even identity theft.

Make Sure to Block Rogue Sites Like from Interfering with Your Browsing

Users can take certain measures to stop receiving intrusive push notifications generated by untrustworthy rogue websites. Firstly, review and modify the notification settings within the Web browser being used. By accessing the browser's settings, users can locate the section dedicated to notifications and manage the permissions granted to websites. Disabling or blocking notifications from suspicious or unwanted sources can effectively prevent intrusive push notifications.

Additionally, users can identify and remove any unwanted browser extensions or plugins that may be responsible for generating intrusive notifications. These extensions can often be found in the browser's settings or extensions/add-ons manager. Removing suspicious or unfamiliar extensions reduces the chances of receiving unwanted push notifications.

Furthermore, it is advisable to exercise caution when browsing unfamiliar websites and avoid interacting with pop-ups or prompts that encourage enabling notifications. By being vigilant and refraining from granting permission to websites that appear untrustworthy or suspicious, users can prevent the initiation of intrusive push notifications.

Lastly, educating oneself about the characteristics and behaviors of rogue websites, as well as staying informed about the latest cybersecurity threats, can enhance users' ability to identify and avoid engaging with untrustworthy sources. This knowledge empowers users to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to prevent the receipt of intrusive push notifications.

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