Advanced PC Shield 2012

By Domesticus in Rogue Anti-Spyware Program

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 100 % (High)
Infected Computers: 19
First Seen: September 29, 2011
Last Seen: April 19, 2021
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Advanced PC Shield 2012 Image

Advanced PC Shield 2012 – A New Face for an Old Threat

Advanced PC Shield 2012 is a fairly typical rogue security program. This fake security program is simply part of a new batch of clones for the PC Shield family of rogue security programs, now with "2012" added to their name. However, apart from its new name, Advanced PC Shield 2012 has absolutely no advances in comparison to older versions of this fake security program. In fact, apart from changes to the interface and slight changes to the code, Advanced PC Shield 2012 and Advanced PC Shield's clones have been practically unchanged since 2009. Like with most rogue security applications, ESG malware analysts recommend using a real anti-malware program to remove this threat from your computer. Under no circumstances should you believe Advanced PC Shield 2012 and pay for this useless program by entering your credit card information. If you have already fallen for the scam, it may not be too late to ask your bank or credit card company to block the charges on your credit card.

How Advanced PC Shield 2012 Tries to Steal Your Money

Advanced PC Shield 2012 takes advantage of the lack of computer security knowledge of the average computer user. Many computer users will follow blindly any messages displayed on their computer with any similitude to legitimate system messages. Advanced PC Shield 2012 takes advantage of this by pestering its victim with many messages claiming that the victim's computer system is infected with a large number of malware problems. In fact, the victim's computer will most likely display symptoms of a large-scale infection – mainly running slowly, crashing frequently, and presenting problems running executable files or gaining access to the victim's own files. It is important to understand that these symptoms are caused by Advanced PC Shield 2012, in order to reinforce the illusion that the victim's computer is in serious trouble. Advanced PC Shield 2012 does this so that Advanced PC Shield 2012 can then scam its victim by offering to sell "additional protection" through a useless full version of Advanced PC Shield 2012. Save your money; ESG security researchers strongly recommend that you do not pay for Advanced PC Shield 2012 or any of its clones. Advanced PC Shield 2012 is a dangerous malware infection that should be removed as soon as possible. Rogue security programs like Advanced PC Shield 2012 are often associated with dangerous Trojans and rootkits, so it may be necessary to scan your hard drives for any of Advanced PC Shield 2012's malicious companions.ScreenshotScreenshotScreenshotScreenshotScreenshotScreenshotScreenshot

SpyHunter Detects & Remove Advanced PC Shield 2012

File System Details

Advanced PC Shield 2012 may create the following file(s):
# File Name MD5 Detections
1. Advanced PC Shield 2012.exe 036725ed3464b25f4ef9f2835f964c52 14

Registry Details

Advanced PC Shield 2012 may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\Range1 ":Range" = ''
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Ranges\Range1 "*" = '1'
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "[RANDOM CHARACTERS].exe"


The following messages associated with Advanced PC Shield 2012 were found:

Application has been attacked with the virus!
Advanced PC Shield 2012 detect "GMER" corrupted by "Backdoor.Destroy"
Click here for immediately security scan.
Severe system damage!
Spyware and viruses detected in the background. Sensitive system components under attack! Data loss, identity theft and system corruption are possible.
Act now, click here for a free security scan.
Tracking software found!
Your PC activity is being monitor. Possible spyware infection. Your data security may be compromised. Sensitive data can be stolen.
Prevent damage now by completing a security scan.
Virus infection!
System security was fount to be compromised. Your computer is now infected. Attention, irreversible changes may occur. Private data may be stolen.
Click here now for an instant anti-virus scan.


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