Threat Database Ransomware 质子勒索软件


网络安全研究人员发现了 Proton 勒索软件威胁,并警告用户注意其危险功能。经分析,确定 Proton 使用加密技术使其受害者的文件无法访问。

该威胁还将受害者的 ID、电子邮件地址“”和扩展名“.kigatsu”附加到加密文件的文件名中。然后,赎金票据将以名为“README.txt”的赎金票据形式投放到被破坏的设备上。通过将“1.png”重命名为“1.png.[][729159DF].kigatsu.”,可以看到 Proton 勒索软件如何更改文件名的实例。

Proton 勒索软件的受害者的数据将被扣为人质

PRoton 勒索软件的受害者收到的赎金记录表明,他们的文件已使用两种不同算法的组合进行加密:AES 和 ECC。该说明还指出,如果不从威胁行为者那里获得解密服务,就不可能恢复加密文件。为了证明他们的能力,攻击者提供了解密一个小于 1 MB 的示例文件的保证。

赎金票据提供了几种不同的联系方式:一个 Telegram 帐户 (@ransom70) 和两个电子邮件地址(“”和“”)。该纸条敦促受害者迅速采取行动并支付赎金,以较低的价格获得解密工具。此外,建议受害者不要以任何方式删除或尝试修改加密文件,因为这可能会影响解密。







Proton 勒索软件的赎金票据包含以下消息:

'~~~ Proton ~~~

>>> What happened?

We encrypted and stolen all of your files.

We use AES and ECC algorithms.

Nobody can recover your files without our decryption service.

>>> How to recover?

We are not a politically motivated group and we want nothing more than money.

If you pay, we will provide you with decryption software and destroy the stolen data.

>>> What guarantees?

You can send us an unimportant file less than 1 MG, We decrypt it as guarantee.

If we do not send you the decryption software or delete stolen data, no one will pay us in future so we will keep our promise.

>>> How to contact us?

Our Telegram ID: @ransom70

Our email address:

In case of no answer within 24 hours, contact to this email:

Write your personal ID in the subject of the email.

>>>>> Your personal ID: - <<<<<

>>> Warnings!

- Do not go to recovery companies, they are just middlemen who will make money off you and cheat you.

They secretly negotiate with us, buy decryption software and will sell it to you many times more expensive or they will simply scam you.

- Do not hesitate for a long time. The faster you pay, the lower the price.

- Do not delete or modify encrypted files, it will lead to problems with decryption of files'.


