Threat Database Potentially Unwanted Programs The Yellow Tab Browser Extension

The Yellow Tab Browser Extension

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a deceitful Web page promoting The Yellow Tab browser extension. Their investigation led them to this questionable site after scrutinizing a torrent-sharing platform that utilizes rogue advertising networks. The promotional content for The Yellow Tab portrays it as a convenient tool for accessing celebrity news, updates and related information.

Upon closer examination, the researchers found that The Yellow Tab functions as a browser hijacker equipped with certain capabilities. In essence, this means that the extension alters users' browsers to endorse the fake search engine through redirects.

The Yellow Tab Takes Over Crucial Browser Settings to Promote a Sponsored Web Address

In most cases, browser hijackers make alterations to settings, such as the browsers' default search engines, homepages, and new tab pages. Due to these modifications, users can be forced to visit the endorsed website when they open new tab pages or enter a search query into the URL bar.

In the case of The Yellow Tab, the redirects lead to Illegitimate search engines usually cannot provide search results and redirect to genuine Internet search websites. Indeed, lands on the Yahoo search engine. However, this site could lead elsewhere since factors like user geolocation might influence redirects.

A browser-hijacking software commonly employs persistence-ensuring techniques to complicate its removal and stop users from recovering their browsers.

Furthermore, browser hijackers typically spy on users' browsing activity, and such data-tracking abilities may be possessed by The Yellow Tab. Targeted information could include visited URLs, viewed Web pages, searched queries, Internet cookies, account log-in credentials, personally identifiable details, finance-related data, etc. The assembled information can be sold to third parties or otherwise abused for profit.

Browser Hijackers May Try to Hide Their Installations by Using Questionable Distribution Practices

Browser hijackers often employ deceptive distribution practices to hide their installations from users, making it challenging to detect and remove them. Here's how they may attempt to do so:

  • Bundling with Freeware: Browser hijackers are frequently bundled with legitimate freeware or shareware applications. Users may unknowingly agree to install the hijacker alongside the desired software during the installation process without realizing it's included.
  •  Misleading Installation Wizards: Some browser hijackers disguise their installations with misleading installation wizards. Users may be presented with confusing or deceptive options during the installation process, leading them to install the hijacker inadvertently.
  •  Aggressive Advertising: Browser hijackers may use aggressive advertising tactics to lure users into installing them. This could include pop-up advertisements, fake security alerts, or misleading download buttons that trick users into installing the hijacker.
  •  Fake Updates or Downloads: Hijackers may masquerade as legitimate software updates or downloads. Users may be prompted to download what appears to be a necessary update or essential software, only to end up installing the hijacker instead.
  •  Social Engineering Tactics: Browser hijackers may use social engineering tactics to manipulate users into installing them. This could include fake error messages claiming that the user's browser is outdated or infected with malware, prompting them to download a supposed fix that is actually the hijacker.
  •  Malvertising: Hijackers may be distributed through malicious advertisements, or 'malvertisements,' displayed on legitimate websites. Clicking on these advertisements can lead users to websites that automatically download and install the hijacker onto their devices.

Overall, browser hijackers use a combination of deceptive tactics and questionable distribution practices to hide their installations from users and maximize their reach. Users should remain vigilant and cautious when downloading software or clicking on advertisements to avoid inadvertently installing browser hijackers on their devices.


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