What are the Benefits of SpyHunter 5's Custom Malware Fixes
Typically, SpyHunter 5 is able to remove malware and/or address other objects. Nonetheless, no anti-virus program can assure 100%, 24/7 effectiveness. If you have recently run a SpyHunter 5 scan and no objects were detected, but you are noticing unexpected behavior or performance issues with your computer, it is possible that there may be undetected malware or other objects on your system.
One great benefit included with your SpyHunter 5 paid subscription is the SpyHunter 5 Spyware HelpDesk. At your request, our customer support technicians can analyze your system, via the HelpDesk, to detect and address malware or other issues. After analysis, a technician can create a customized fix, tailor-made for your specific system and issue. The fix can be transmitted directly to SpyHunter 5 which can then launch and apply the fix using its advanced removal engine.
Even if you do not notice any abnormalities, the SpyHunter 5 Spyware HelpDesk offers the additional feature of allowing you to have our technical support team conduct an additional analysis of your system from time to time.
This ongoing service is one of the added features of your SpyHunter 5 paid subscription. There's no predetermined limit to the number of fixes you can receive, at no additional charge.
The Spyware HelpDesk provides you with the ability to generate and transmit a Diagnostic Report. The Diagnostic Report contains in-depth diagnostic information, which can be used by our support team to analyze your system and develop a potential custom fix for you. The Diagnostic Report helps our team identify potentially unwanted or harmful files, programs and software. The Diagnostic Report includes information on executable files currently running in memory, data in Registry auto-start locations and certain executable files that may not have been identified by SpyHunter 5. You will have the opportunity to review the Diagnostic Report data before you opt to transmit it to our support team.
To start the custom fix process, you should follow these instructions to transmit a Diagnostic Report to our customer support team.
How to Send a Diagnostic Report
If SpyHunter 5 is not able to resolve an issue automatically, you should contact our support department.
Our support department may request that you transmit a Diagnostic Report so that they may analyze your system to offer assistance.
Note: If your issue is that privacy issues/cookies are recurring after you have removed them, you do not need to send us a Diagnostic Report. Please go to "Cookies Recurring on every Scan" for detailed information on recurring privacy issues/cookies.
Also, before sending us a Diagnostic Report, please read "List of Common Problems After a SpyHunter 5 Removal Operation". If this article does not help to resolve your problem, then we invite you to send us a Diagnostic Report.
Reasons to Send a Diagnostic Report
Typically, SpyHunter 5 is able to remove malware and/or address other objects. Nonetheless, no anti-virus program can assure 100%, 24/7 effectiveness. If you have recently run a SpyHunter 5 scan and no objects were detected, but you are noticing unexpected behavior or performance issues with your computer, it is possible that there may be undetected malware or other objects on your system. Even if you do not notice any abnormalities, SpyHunter 5 offers the additional feature of allowing you to have our technical support team conduct an additional analysis of your system from time to time. The SpyHunter 5 HelpDesk allows you to generate a Diagnostic Report which can then be transmitted to our technical support team for custom analysis. If our technical support team discovers any potential issues, they can create a customized fix, specific to your system, to automatically resolve the issue, directly within SpyHunter 5. The Diagnostic Report includes information on executable files currently running in memory, data in Registry auto-start locations and certain executable files that may not have been identified by SpyHunter 5. You will have the opportunity to review the Diagnostic Report data before you opt to transmit it to our support team.
This ongoing service is one of the added features of your SpyHunter 5 paid subscription.
Instructions on How to Send Diagnostic Report with SpyHunter 5 HelpDesk
Through its updated definitions, SpyHunter 5 is designed to help identify and address the latest malware and/or other objects on your system. Before sending a Diagnostic Report, please make sure that you have the most up-to-date SpyHunter 5 definitions installed. Many objects that are not successfully removed result from using SpyHunter 5 with an out-of-date definition file. Be aware that we release updates regularly for your benefit and convenience. To confirm that you have the most recent updates installed, please click the "Settings" menu item in the main window and then, click the "General" tab. Then, click "Check for update now" (located to the right of the "Automatically check for updates" checkbox). If an update is available, please rescan your system.
SpyHunter 5's Spyware HelpDesk allows you to transmit a snapshot of the configuration of your system which will allow our technicians to faster and more efficiently assist you.