Threat Database Ransomware RedProtection Ransomware

RedProtection Ransomware

RedProtection has been identified as a ransomware threat during the examination of potential malicious programs by researchers. Ransomware is a type of threatening software specifically crafted to encrypt data, subsequently demanding payment for the provision of decryption keys. Upon execution on the victim's system, RedProtection commences its encryption process, targeting a diverse array of file types.

The encrypted files have their titles modified with an extension consisting of four random characters. Following the completion of the encryption process, RedProtection alters the desktop wallpaper and deposits a ransom note named 'read_it.txt.' This note typically contains instructions or demands from the attackers regarding the payment needed for the release of the encrypted files.

The RedProtection Ransomware Demands a Ransom in Cryptocurrencies

The text displayed on RedProtection's wallpaper serves as a notification to the victim, conveying that their data has been encrypted. It prompts them to establish contact with the attackers within a thirty-minute window. The ransom note is provided in both English and French. It explicitly communicates that the retrieval of the compromised files necessitates the payment of a ransom in the form of 0.0061 BTC (Bitcoin cryptocurrency). While this amount is approximately valued at 200 USD, it's crucial to acknowledge the volatility of exchange rates.

The ransom note emphasizes that the specified ransom amount is negotiable but underscores the importance of completing the payment within a 24-hour timeframe. Failure to obey this deadline results in the deletion of the decryption key, rendering any subsequent attempts at recovery futile.

Regrettably, decryption efforts without the involvement of the cybercriminals are typically challenging. Moreover, numerous instances exist where victims, even after paying the ransom, do not receive the requisite keys or tools for decrypting their data. Consequently, strong caution is advised against complying with ransom demands, as there is no guarantee of file recovery, and succumbing to such demands inadvertently supports illegal activities perpetrated by these criminals.

Don't Take Chances with the Security of Your Data and Devices

Enhancing the security of user data and devices involves implementing a multifaceted approach that addresses both digital and physical aspects. Here are key measures to improve data and device security:

  • Use Strong Passwords:
  • Encourage users to generate complex passwords with a blend of numbers, symbols and uppercase and lowercase letters.
  •  Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):
  • Enable MFA whenever possible to add an extra layer of security, requiring users to provide multiple forms of identification before accessing accounts or devices.
  •  Keep Software Updated:
  • Regularly update operating systems, applications, and anti-malware software to patch vulnerabilities and protect against known threats.
  •  Install Security Software:
  • Utilize reputable anti-malware software to provide real-time protection against unsafe software and cyber threats.
  •  Secure Wi-Fi Networks:
  • Use strong passwords for Wi-Fi networks and enable WPA3 encryption. Regularly change default router login credentials to prevent unauthorized access.
  •  Backup Regularly:
  • Implement automated and regular backups of critical data to an external, secure location. This ensures data recovery in case of device failure, loss, or ransomware attacks.
  •  Educate Users on Phishing Awareness:
  • Train users to perceive phishing attempts and avoid clicking on suspicious or unknown links or providing personal information to unverified sources.

By integrating these measures, organizations can significantly enhance the security of user data and devices, creating a more resilient and protected digital environment.

The full message found in the ransom note of the RedProtection Ransomware is:

'Warning! All your files have been encrypted. To regain access to your data, you must pay a ransom of 0.0061 btc (negotiable) in this wallet (17CqMQFeuB3NTzJ2X28tfRmWaPyPQgvoHV) within the next 24 hours.
If you don't pay on time, the decryption key will be destroyed, and your files will be lost forever.
Follow the instructions below to make the payment and recover your data:
contact me on Telegram: hxxps://

Your ID is


Attention ! Tous vos fichiers ont été cryptés.
Pour récupérer l'accès à vos données, vous devez payer une rançon de 0,0061 btc (négociable) dans l'addresse Bitcoin suivante(17CqMQFeuB3NTzJ2X28tfRmWaPyPQgvoHV) dans dans les prochaines 24 heures.
Si vous ne payez pas à temps, la clé de décryptage sera détruite, et vos fichiers seront perdus à jamais.
Suivez les instructions ci-dessous pour effectuer le paiement et récupérer vos données :
contacte-moi sur Telegram : hxxps://

Votre ID est'


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