BlackZluk 勒索軟體
保護您的裝置免受勒索軟體等惡意軟體威脅怎麼強調都不為過。勒索軟體攻擊變得越來越複雜,對個人、企業甚至關鍵基礎設施帶來巨大風險。網路安全研究人員最近發現的一種複雜的勒索軟體威脅是 BlackZluk 勒索軟體。這種惡意軟體可能會造成廣泛的損害,從加密有價值的資料到威脅洩露敏感資訊。保護您的設備並實施最佳實踐對於避免成為此類攻擊的受害者至關重要。
BlackZluk 勒索軟體:一種新的有害威脅
BlackZluk 勒索軟體是網路犯罪領域最近發現的一種勒索軟體,旨在針對受感染的系統並加密重要文件。一旦勒索軟體滲透到系統,它就會插入擴展名為「.blackZluk」的加密檔案的檔案名,使得沒有解密金鑰就無法存取它們。例如,最初名為 1.png 的檔案將變為 1.png.blackZluk,2.pdf 將變為 2.pdf.blackZluk。
除了這個加密過程之外,BlackZluk 還提供了一份名為「#RECOVERY#.txt」的勒索字條。該說明嚴厲地提醒受害者,他們的公司網路已受到損害,他們的資料和敏感資訊都已洩露。攻擊者經常威脅稱,如果不滿足贖金要求,就會公開發布所收集的數據,從而為攻擊增添了一層敲詐勒索的色彩。
BlackZluk 的策略:從加密到勒索
除了加密檔案之外,BlackZluk 的勒索字條還明確警告受害者不要向反惡意軟體尋求協助、嘗試手動解密或聯絡第三方。如果受害者拒絕遵守攻擊者的要求,永久資料遺失的威脅就會變得很大。但是,支付所需的贖金並不能保證以任何方式恢復文件,因為無法保證攻擊者會提供必要的解密金鑰。
BlackZluk 如何傳播:常見攻擊媒介
BlackZluk 與許多勒索軟體變體一樣,主要透過網路釣魚攻擊和社會工程技術進行分發。網路犯罪分子誘騙受害者下載惡意檔案或點擊偽裝成合法內容的有害連結。此類充滿惡意軟體的檔案最常見的格式包括:
- 壓縮檔案(例如 RAR、ZIP)
- 執行檔(.exe、.run)
後門木馬和載入型惡意軟體是攻擊者用來滲透網路的其他流行方法,使他們能夠遠端安裝勒索軟體。此外,BlackZluk 可能透過本地網路或 USB 驅動器等可移動裝置進行傳播,一次攻擊即可感染多個系統。
保護您的裝置和網路免受 BlackZluk 等勒索軟體攻擊需要採取主動措施並持續保持警惕。以下是一些需要實施的關鍵安全實務:
使用多重身份驗證 (MFA) :透過實施 MFA 來增強您的帳戶,這需要密碼以外的第二種身分驗證形式。即使憑證遭到洩露,MFA 也會增加關鍵的安全層。
停用 Office 文件中的巨集:網路犯罪分子經常使用 Office 文件中嵌入的巨集來傳播勒索軟體。預設情況下停用巨集可以防止這些詐欺性腳本運行。
BlackZluk 等勒索軟體的威脅不斷演變,攻擊者不斷改進其方法,甚至可以破壞最安全的系統。因此,必須保持警惕並積極主動地防禦這些威脅。透過遵守上述最佳安全實踐,可以大幅減少遭受勒索軟體攻擊的漏洞,並保護您的關鍵資料免於外洩。
BlackZluk 威脅產生的贖金票據是:
'Hello my dear friend (Do not scan the files with antivirus in any case. In case of data loss, the consequences are yours)
Your data is encryptedUnfortunately for you, a major IT security weakness left you open to attack, your files have been encrypted
The only method of recovering files is to purchase decrypt tool and unique key for you.
Download the (Session) messenger (hxxps:// in messenger: 0569a7c0949434c9c4464cf2423f66d046e3e08654e4164404b1dc23783096d313 You have to add this Id and we will complete our converstion
In case of no answer in 24 hours write us to this backup e-mail:
Our online operator is available in the messenger Telegram: @Files_decrypt or hxxps://
Check your e-mail Spam or Junk folder if you don't get answer more than 6 hours.
Contact us soon, because those who don't have their data leaked in our press release blog and the price they'll have to pay will go up significantly.Attention
Do not rename encrypted files.
Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software - it may cause permanent data loss.
We are always ready to cooperate and find the best way to solve your problem.
The faster you write - the more favorable conditions will be for you.
Our company values its reputation. We give all guarantees of your files decryption.What are your recommendations?
Never change the name of the files, if you want to manipulate the files, be sure to back them up. If there are any problems with the files, we are not responsible for them.
Never work with intermediary companies because they charge you more money.Don't be afraid of us, just email us.
Sensitive data on your system was DOWNLOADED.
If you DON'T WANT your sensitive data to be PUBLISHED you have to act quickly.Data includes:
Employees personal data, CVs, DL, SSN.
Complete network map including credentials for local and remote services.
Private financial information including: clients data, bills, budgets, annual reports, bank statements.
Manufacturing documents including: datagrams, schemas, drawings in solidworks format
And more…
What are the dangers of leaking your company's data.
First of all, you will receive fines from the government such as the GDRP and many others, you can be sued by customers of your firm for leaking information that was confidential. Your leaked data will be used by all the hackers on the planet for various unpleasant things. For example, social engineering, your employees' personal data can be used to re-infiltrate your company. Bank details and passports can be used to create bank accounts and online wallets through which criminal money will be laundered. On another vacation trip, you will have to explain to the FBI where you got millions of dollars worth of stolen cryptocurrency transferred through your accounts on cryptocurrency exchanges. Your personal information could be used to make loans or buy appliances. You would later have to prove in court that it wasn't you who took out the loan and pay off someone else's loan. Your competitors may use the stolen information to steal technology or to improve their processes, your working methods, suppliers, investors, sponsors, employees, it will all be in the public domain. You won't be happy if your competitors lure your employees to other firms offering better wages, will you? Your competitors will use your information against you. For example, look for tax violations in the financial documents or any other violations, so you have to close your firm. According to statistics, two thirds of small and medium-sized companies close within half a year after a data breach. You will have to find and fix the vulnerabilities in your network, work with the customers affected by data leaks. All of these are very costly procedures that can exceed the cost of a ransomware buyout by a factor of hundreds. It's much easier, cheaper and faster to pay us the ransom. Well and most importantly, you will suffer a reputational loss, you have been building your company for many years, and now your reputation will be destroyed. Do not go to the police or FBI for help and do not tell anyone that we attacked you.
They won't help and will only make your situation worse. In 7 years not a single member of our group has been caught by the police, we are top-notch hackers and never leave a trace of crime. The police will try to stop you from paying the ransom in any way they can. The first thing they will tell you is that there is no guarantee to decrypt your files and delete the stolen files, this is not true, we can do a test decryption before payment and your data will be guaranteed to be deleted because it is a matter of our reputation, we make hundreds of millions of dollars and we are not going to lose income because of your files. It is very beneficial for the police and the FBI to let everyone on the planet know about the leak of your data, because then your state will receive fines under GDPR and other similar laws. The fines will go to fund the police and FBI. The police and FBI will not be able to stop lawsuits from your customers for leaking personal and private information. The police and FBI will not protect you from repeat attacks. Paying us a ransom is much cheaper and more profitable than paying fines and legal fees.If you do not pay the ransom, we will attack your company again in the future.
Start messaging with your unique ID an incident file #RECOVERY#.txt
your unique ID'
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