在检查潜在的恶意软件威胁时,网络安全研究人员偶然发现了 FBIRAS 勒索软件,这是一种旨在加密数据并勒索解密赎金的威胁程序。这种勒索软件变体特别邪恶,因为它针对各种文件,加密它们并修改其原始文件名。通常,它会将“.FBIRAS”扩展名附加到文件名中,将“1.png”转换为“1.png.FBIRAS”,将“2.pdf”转换为“2.pdf.FBIRAS”。然而,研究人员注意到扩展名重复的情况,导致文件名变成“1.doc.FBIRAS.FBIRAS”和“2.doc.FBIRAS.FBIRAS”。
加密过程完成后,FBIRAS 勒索软件会在受感染的系统上留下一封名为“Readme.txt”的勒索信。在这封信中,犯罪者伪装成“执法人员”,试图欺骗受害者相信他们的计算机因违反网络法而受到攻击。
FBIRAS 勒索软件将用户锁定在自己的数据之外
在 FBIRAS 勒索软件留下的赎金纸条中,受害者被称为“纳税人”,并被告知由于涉嫌违反网络法,他们的文件已被加密。该纸条据称来自“执法部门”,指示受害者联系网络犯罪分子,协商释放他们的文件。
为了防止 FBIRAS 勒索软件进一步加密,必须从受影响的操作系统中删除勒索软件。不幸的是,删除勒索软件不会自动恢复对已加密文件的访问。
FBIRAS 勒索软件释放的勒索信内容如下:
'Attention Tax payer:
All Your files have been locked with ransomware by law enforcement for violating cyber laws. All of your important documents, photos, and videos have been encrypted and cannot be accessed without a decryption key. This is a serious offense and you must pay a fine to unlock your files.
To unlock your files, follow these instructions:
Contact us on telegram = @Lawinfo19
We will tell about you problem
You need us to pay a amount for your criminal activity
Use the decryption key to unlock your files.
If you fail to comply with these instructions, the fine will increase and your files will be permanently deleted.
Do not attempt to remove the ransomware or tamper with your files. Any attempts to do so will result in the permanent loss of your data.
We understand the inconvenience this may cause, but it is necessary to ensure that cyber laws are not violated. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to resolve this matter as soon as possible.
Law Enforcement
The message delivered to victims as a desktop background is:
All your files are stolen and encrypted
Find readme.txt and follow the instruction
Contact Telegram : -'