Computer Security Cyber Attacks During Black Friday: A Historical Overview...

Cyber Attacks During Black Friday: A Historical Overview and Safety Measures

By Sandos in Computer Security

Black Friday, a day synonymous with massive sales and huge shopping crowds, has also become a prime target for cybercriminals. With the increase in online shopping, especially during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the frequency and severity of cyber attacks have surged. So, with that said, let's now delve into the most common types of cyber attacks historically associated with Black Friday, their execution, prevention strategies, and measures for safe shopping in the future.

4 Common Types of Cyber Attacks on Black Friday

  1. Phishing Attacks
    Phishing attacks, where attackers masquerade as legitimate entities to trick individuals into providing sensitive data, have been rampant during Black Friday sales. These attacks typically involve sending emails or messages that appear to be from well-known retailers offering incredible deals. Once clicked, these links lead to fake websites designed to steal personal and financial information.
  2. Payment Card Skimming
    Cybercriminals often use payment card skimming techniques, such as installing malicious software on checkout pages of e-commerce sites, to steal credit card information. This kind of attack became notorious with the Magecart attacks, where hackers injected skimming code into the websites of major retailers.
  3. DDoS Attacks
    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are another common tactic, where attackers overwhelm a website’s server with traffic, causing it to crash. During Black Friday, when online traffic is at its peak, DDoS attacks can be particularly devastating for retailers.
  4. Ransomware
    Ransomware attacks, where malware encrypts a victim’s files and demands a ransom for their release, have also been noted during the Black Friday season. These attacks not only target individual shoppers but also businesses.

Execution of These Attacks

Cyber attacks during Black Friday are often meticulously planned. Phishing campaigns are typically launched weeks in advance, with emails and social media ads mimicking legitimate Black Friday deals. In payment card skimming, attackers exploit vulnerabilities in e-commerce platforms to insert malicious code. DDoS attacks are executed by botnets, networks of infected computers, to flood websites with traffic. Ransomware is often spread through phishing emails or by exploiting network vulnerabilities.

Prevention Strategies

Preventing these attacks requires a multi-faceted approach:

For Consumers:

Vigilance with Emails and Links: Be cautious of emails and social media ads promoting Black Friday deals. Verify the authenticity of the website before entering any personal information.

Secure Payment Methods: Use secure payment methods like credit cards or payment services that offer fraud protection.

Regular Software Updates: Keep your computer’s software, including antivirus programs, updated to protect against malware.

Two-Factor Authentication: Use two-factor authentication for online accounts to add an extra layer of security.

For Retailers:

Enhanced Security Protocols: Implement robust cybersecurity measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits.

Secure Checkout Processes: Ensure that the checkout process is secure and compliant with payment card industry standards.

Employee Training: Train employees to recognize and respond to cyber threats effectively.

Regular Website Maintenance: Regularly update and patch e-commerce platforms to fix security vulnerabilities.

Shopping Safely on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

As we approach future Black Friday and Cyber Monday events, both consumers and retailers must be prepared for potential cyber threats.

Consumers should:

Shop on Trusted Websites: Stick to well-known and reputable websites for online shopping.

Use Strong Passwords: Create strong, unique passwords for each online account.

Monitor Bank Statements: Regularly check bank statements for any unauthorized transactions.

Avoid Public Wi-Fi for Transactions: Refrain from using public Wi-Fi networks for shopping, as these can be unsecure.

Retailers should:

Invest in Cybersecurity: Allocate resources for advanced cybersecurity measures.

Conduct Regular Security Audits: Regularly audit their systems and networks for vulnerabilities.

Develop a Response Plan: Have a plan in place for responding to and mitigating cyber attacks.


Cyber attacks during Black Friday and Cyber Monday are a growing concern in the digital age. Phishing, payment card skimming, DDoS attacks, and ransomware are among the most common threats. By understanding these attacks, implementing prevention strategies, and adopting safe shopping practices, both consumers and retailers can significantly reduce their risk of becoming cybercrime victims. Vigilance and preparedness are key to ensuring that the shopping bonanza of Black Friday and Cyber Monday remains a joyous and safe experience.
