Threat Database Ransomware Toa 勒索软件

Toa 勒索软件

Toa Ransomware 以 Windows 系统为目标,并使用强大的加密算法锁定其中的数据。受影响的用户将发现自己无法访问他们的任何文档、图片、照片、档案、数据库等。勒索软件威胁的运营商使用加密数据作为向受害者勒索金钱的杠杆。

按照在大多数勒索软件威胁中观察到的既定行为,Toa 还修改了它加密的文件的名称。威胁通过将四个随机字符的字符串附加到原始文件名来实现。此外,受害者将在被入侵设备的桌面上留下一个名为“read_it.txt”的文本文件。

该文件包含恶意软件的赎金记录。攻击者表示,Toa Ransomware 已删除加密文件的影子副本并禁用 Windows 恢复。该说明指示受影响的用户要从网络犯罪分子那里接收解密器,他们将需要支付正好 274 美元的赎金。但是,必须使用比特币加密货币发送资金。


'Your Windows PC is infected with the Toa Ransomware. Without the key, files can't, and won't, be returned. However, you can get yourself out of this mess. By buying our decryptor software. you can return all of your infected files. The price for this software is $274 in USD. payment can be made in BTC only. If you don't know how to get Bitcoin, Google how. once payment is recevied, a email will contact you and send you the decrypter. If you dont get the decryptor, check your spam folder. Windows Recovery is disabled and all Shadow Copies are deleted as well as the backup catalog. Once you sent the Bitcoin, from the email that infected you, send them your Public Key.

Public Key:

BTC Adress: 0xDe3cbc738a2B57168FD5906B39941Ce8958dB044'


