Computer Security Spammers Target Computer Users with Spam Emails Disguised...

Spammers Target Computer Users with Spam Emails Disguised as Twitter Notifications

twitter-spam-emailThe latest cyber scam, in the form of spammed out emails, targeted Twitter users this week. This newest spate of spam emails has been tapping into Twitter users' inboxes disguised as Twitter notification messages.

These spam emails are designed to appear as legitimate Twitter messages. They employ the Twitter color scheme and logo to trick unknowing users into automatically believing that these messages are authentic Twitter notification emails.

Claiming to originate from Twitter, these spammed out emails notify users that, because of ongoing upgrades to Twitter, their accounts were temporarily suspended. The fake emails then ask Twitter users to have their account unsuspended by re-verifying their account information. One such spam email message reads:

Subject: Account Suspension

Twitter is currently upgrading at this time.We dont want to delete your account. Please Re-verify your account by entering your name, email, or zip by one of our business partners below
Click here to complete some free offers
Note All suspended accounts cannot be restored so please complete this offer within 2 days to avoid suspension

The Twitter Team

This email is absolutely bogus, and is definitely not from Twitter. Rather, these spam emails are phishing spam that attempts to steal your important personal data.

If you click on the specified link, in the spam email message, you will be taken to random online surveys, where you will be prompted to provide your personal information. This spammed out email scam works by tricking unsuspecting users into following the steps stipulated in the fake emails and freely providing their personal, private information to the scammers behind them.

Additionally, the web domains that are linked in these spam emails are often malicious domains that harbor malware and attempt to compromise the computer systems that visit their websites.

It has been reported that the link contained within the Twitter spam emails directs users to a suspect Canadian pharmaceutical website. This website promotes and attempts to sell a wide-range of pharmaceuticals. Do not purchase anything from this site or others like it. Any company willing to be promoted through bogus, spammed out emails should not be trusted to sell 'legitimate' products or responsibly handle your credit card information and personal data.

This malicious spam campaign closely resembles the spam campaign that has been known to target Facebook users. In the case of the Facebook spam messages, the spammed out emails pretend to be official Facebook notifications that warn the social network's users that their accounts have been deactivated. As with the Twitter spam messages, the Facebook spam messages contain a similar link that directs users to similar malicious and phishing websites.
Not only Twitter account holders are being targeted with these phishing emails.

Anyone can be a target. It is important that, as computer users, we remain always vigilant and stay on the lookout for bogus scams, such as this one, and utilize good PC security protection software that updates every day.
