Computer Security Warning: Never Use These Weak Passwords, Change Them...

Warning: Never Use These Weak Passwords, Change Them Immediately

weak worst passwords to useWe have published countless articles, guides and even shocking statistics on the misuse and proper of passwords over the internet. In today's internet-driven society, everyone is required to use passwords just about every day to log into some online account. The scary part of it all is that a vast major
ity of computer users are utilizing weak passwords that computer security experts are warning them to change before a hacker is able to easily guess them. Guessing a password will lead to an onslaught of issues, just use your imagination.

It is almost an evident case that a hacker will guess a password that is easy as "123456" or "password." People that use passwords like that are just making it too easy for hackers. Using such a weak password will put your accounts at risk of succumbing to a cybercrook hacking into their banking account or Facebook profile to tell all of their friends they are giving away all the cash in their savings account.

The password management company SplashData has recently released their annual list of the worst passwords of last year (2014). They collected about 3.3 million passwords that were leaked last year and analyzed the most the least and most secure ones. As no surprise to the firm, the password "123456" topped the list among others like "dragon" or "abc123" also ranked high among some of the worst passwords to use. It is a travesty when such passwords are used to supposedly secure your personal information or online banking account.

We cannot stress enough the importance of using a strong password, one that you put some thought into that hackers cannot easily guess. As some potential guidance to you, we have divulged SplashData's full list of passwords that you should probably consider changing if you use one. Not only that, but you should make an effort to utilize different passwords for each of your accounts that you may log into over the internet.

SplashData's list of passwords that you should never use

  1. 123456
  2. password
  3. 12345
  4. 12345678
  5. qwerty
  6. 1234567890
  7. 1234
  8. baseball
  9. dragon
  10. football
  11. 1234567
  12. monkey
  13. letmein
  14. abc123
  15. 111111