Issue Can't Open the Microsoft Store

Can't Open the Microsoft Store

The Microsoft Store is the digital distribution platform for the tech giant. There, users can purchase and download applications and games. In some instances, however, users have reported encountering issues when attempting to open the Microsoft Store such as taking abnormally long to start, crashing frequently, or not opening at all. While the underlying causes for these issues can vary, users can try the solutions below to try and fix the problems.

If you can still open the Microsoft Store, the first action you should take is to check for any available updates that might have been released. New patches and updates often address previous instabilities or glitches. Open the Microsoft Store and click on the three dots menu located in the top-right corner. Select 'Downloads and updates' from the dropdown menu and then click on 'Get updates.' Another option that could help is to log out from your account and then sign in back again. Open the Store page, click on your profile icon located in the top-right corner, and choose 'Sign Out.' Close the Microsoft store and try to log back in.

Users who cannot open the Microsoft Store at all may want to check if they have an active VPN application running. Check if the issues will persist even after stopping your VPN.

Updating the Windows OS could also help. To check if any new updates have been released. Go to the 'Settings' section by typing settings in the search box on the Taskbar and open the top result. Click on the 'Update & Security' section. In the new window, click on the 'Check for updates' button and wait for windows to stop searching for updates. If there are any updates available, install them, and try to open the Microsoft store again.

Resetting the Microsoft Store cache also might help fix the problems. To do so users will have to execute the WSreset command, which will allow them to restart the Microsoft Store and clear its cache files. To start, type wsreset.exe in the search box on the Taskbar and press Enter on your keyboard. Once again, try to open the Microsoft store and hopefully this time there will be no issues.
