Threat Database Ransomware PatchWorkApt Ransomware

PatchWorkApt Ransomware

Security experts are warning users regarding PatchWorkApt, a new ransomware threat that poses a significant danger. Once it infiltrates a computer, PatchWorkApt systematically encrypts a diverse range of file types, appending a series of random characters to the original filenames. Simultaneously, it generates a ransom note named 'look_this.txt.' To illustrate, files initially named '1.png' may be transformed into '1.png.b63,' and '2.pdf' might become '2.pdf.xp8y.' It is important to note that PatchWorkApt is a ransomware variant built upon the Chaos framework, amplifying its potential impact and complexity.

The PatchWorkApt Ransomware Seeks to Extort Victims for Money

The ransom note delivered by PatchWorkApt provides detailed information to the victim, revealing that their network has been compromised, and all data within their systems has been encrypted using the robust AES-256 algorithm. Emphasizing the exclusivity of the decryption key held by the group, the note strongly discourages any attempts at recovery without it, cautioning against potential irreversible damage.

The attackers express a singular motive for financial gain and encourage the victim to trust them and establish contact to negotiate the terms for reversing the encryption. To build this trust, they suggest sending encrypted files for verification and providing contact information via email addresses ('' and ''). The group assures the victim that, upon payment, they will receive the necessary decryption key software for file restoration.

However, victims of ransomware attacks are urged to carefully weigh the decision to pay any ransom, as there is no guarantee of successful file recovery. Instead, they are advised to explore alternative solutions and refrain from sending money to cybercriminals.

Decrypting files without the attackers' tools is often a daunting task, making it crucial for victims to take immediate action to eliminate ransomware from compromised systems to minimize potential damage. Active ransomware not only poses a threat to encrypt additional files but also has the capacity to spread through networks, impacting additional computers in the process.

Don't Take Chances with the Security of Your Data and Devices

Users can boost the security of their data and devices significantly by implementing crucial security measures:

  • Strong Passwords and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Create unique passwords for each different account and enable multi-factor authentication when possible. MFA is programmed to add an extra layer of protection by requiring additional verification steps beyond only a password, making it more difficult for unauthorized access.
  •  Regular Software and Operating System Updates: Keep software, including operating systems and applications, as up-to-date as possible. Regular updates often deliver crucial security fixes that take care of vulnerabilities, reducing the risk of exploitation by unsafe entities.
  •  Use Reliable Anti-Malware Software: Install professional anti-malware software to provide real-time protection against various threats. Keep these security tools updated to ensure they can effectively detect and neutralize the latest malware.
  •  Secure Network with Firewalls: Configure firewalls on individual devices and network routers to monitor and control incoming and outgoing traffic. Firewalls function as a barrier, preventing unauthorized access and protecting against potential threats.
  •  Regular Data Backups: Implement a consistent backup strategy for essential files. Regularly backing up data to external or cloud storage ensures that, in the event of a security incident or data loss, users can restore their information without succumbing to ransomware demands or other cyber threats.
  •  Educate Yourself about Social Engineering and  Phishing: Be watchful against phishing attempts and social engineering tactics. Do not access suspicious links, be cautious with email attachments, and verify the legitimacy of communications, especially those requesting sensitive information.
  •  Limit Access and Use Account Privileges: Practice the concept of least privilege by limiting user access to only what is necessary. Avoid using administrative accounts for everyday activities, reducing the potential impact of a security breach.

By incorporating these security measures into their routine practices, users can create robust protection against an extensive range of cyber threats, safeguarding their data and devices more effectively.

The ransom note generated by the PatchWorkApt Ransomware on the breached devices is:

'our network has been breached by PatchWorkApt ransomware group.
Your network and encrypted the data on your systems.

Your ID:-
This is your credential for communication and decryption.

Decryption is only possible with a private key that only we posses.
Our group's only aim is to financially benefit from our brief acquaintance,this is a guarantee that we will do what we promise.
Scamming is just bad for business in this line of work.

All your files are encrypted using AES-256 military grade algorithm. So,

Don't try to recover data, because the encrypted files are unrecoverable unless you have the key.
Any try for recovering data without the key (using third-party applications/companies) causes PERMANENT damage. Take it serious.

You have to trust us. This is our business (after firing from high-tech companies) and the reputation is all we have.

All you need to do is following up the payment procedure and then you will receive decrypting key using for returning all of your files and VMs.

Contact us to negotiate the terms of reversing the damage we have done.
We advise you not to use any data recovery tools without leaving copies of the initial encrypted file.
You are risking irreversibly damaging the file by doing this.

How to contact us?
When communicating with us, please attach your victim ID, so that we can decrypt and cooperate faster.

Our email:

why trust us?
If you pay the ransom, we will provide the decryption key software and send it to your mailbox.
Provide some encrypted files, send them to us, and verify our authenticity and trustworthiness through this amazing decryption.'


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