Threat Database Ransomware CoV Ransomware

CoV Ransomware

The CoV Ransomware exhibits the capability to encrypt files, rendering them inaccessible and unusable for the victims. This encryption process involves appending the '.CoV' extension to the original filenames of the affected files. Furthermore, the threat goes beyond mere file encryption by altering the desktop wallpaper, presenting an error message, and generating a 'HOW TO DECRYPT FILES.txt' file. This text file serves as a ransom note detailing the instructions for the victim on how to pay the ransom.

Security researchers have conclusively identified CoV as ransomware affiliated with the Xorist malware family. This classification indicates that CoV shares characteristics and functionalities with other malicious software within the same family.

To illustrate how CoV modifies filenames during the encryption process, consider the following examples: '1.png' is transformed into '1.png.CoV,' and '2.pdf' becomes '2.pdf.CoV,' and so forth. This distinctive naming pattern with the appended '.CoV' extension serves as a clear marker of files affected by the ransomware.

Victims of the CoV Ransomware Are Extorted Into Paying Ransoms

The ransom note issued by the CoV Ransomware communicates a dire situation to victims, asserting that all critical files have undergone encryption, rendering them inaccessible. To facilitate the decryption process, the attackers demand payment of 0.03 Bitcoin, specifying a particular Bitcoin address (wallet) for the transaction.

Upon completing the ransom payment, victims are directed to establish contact with the attacker via two specified email addresses: '' or ',' using a predefined subject line. The assurance given is that, upon confirmation of the payment, the victim will receive server keys and a decryptor tool, designed to automate the file decryption process.

Adding a layer of urgency, the ransom note imposes a three-day timeframe for victims to make the payment. It explicitly warns that failure to comply within this window will result in the deletion of the decryption keys, rendering file recovery impossible without the original keys.

Despite these instructions, cybersecurity experts strongly discourage victims from paying ransoms, emphasizing that such payments do not assure the recovery of files and may inadvertently support criminal activities. Unfortunately, decrypting files without the specialized tools provided by the attackers is often a challenging, if not impossible, task.

In the interest of preventing further damage, victims are advised to remove the ransomware from compromised systems promptly. The active presence of ransomware poses the risk of encrypting additional files and potentially spreading across networks, impacting a broader range of computers within the affected environment.

Crucial Steps in Preventing Ransomware Threats from Infecting Your Devices

In the current digital scenario, it is increasingly vital to take sufficient security measures against the myriad of different malware threats out there. To minimize the chances of your devices being breached, make sure to implement the following essential steps:

  • Implement Robust Backup Strategies: Regularly back up important data to external drives, cloud storage, or secure backup services. Ensure backups are stored offline to prevent ransomware from reaching and encrypting them. Regularly check the restoration process to verify the integrity of backups.
  •  Keep Software and Systems Updated: Regularly update operating systems, software applications,and security patches on all devices. Ransomware often exploits vulnerabilities in outdated software. Enabling automatic updates or regularly checking for updates helps ensure that systems are fortified against known vulnerabilities.
  •  Educate and Train Users: Educate users about the risks of ransomware and the importance of safe online habits. Coach them to recognize phishing emails, suspicious links, and attachments. Emphasize the need for strong, unique passwords and the use of multi-factor authentication. A well-informed user base is a crucial line of defense against ransomware threats.
  •  Deploy Advanced Security Solutions: Utilize reputable anti-malware software with real-time scanning capabilities. Implement email filtering solutions to identify and quarantine potential threats. Consider deploying advanced threat detection solutions that can identify ransomware behavior patterns, providing an additional layer of defense.
  •  Restrict User Permissions: Limit user permissions to only the necessary levels required for their roles. Users with administrative privileges should use separate accounts for daily tasks to reduce the risk of ransomware gaining elevated access. Put into practice the principle of least privilege to lessen the impact of potential ransomware attacks.

By incorporating these measures into a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, users can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to ransomware threats. Regularly reviewing and updating these measures to align with surfacing threats is crucial for maintaining an effective defense against evolving ransomware tactics.

The whole text of the ransom note dropped by the CoV Ransomware is as follows:


All your important files are encrypted
if you want to decrypt them you have to pay me 0.03 bitcoin

Make sure you send 0.03 bitcoin to this address:

If you do not own bitcoins, buy from here:
You can find a larger list here:

After sending the bitcoin, contact me at this email addresses: or
with this subject:

After payment confirmation, I will send you your server keys and decryptor to decrypt your files automatically.

You will also receive information on how to resolve your security issue to avoid becoming a victim of ransomware again.

From this moment you have 3 days to contact me to make the payment, otherwise I will delete the keys, and be sure that no one will be able to decrypt your files without the original keys, you can try but you will lose your time and your files.'

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