
By GoldSparrow in Malware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 7,547
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 1,509
First Seen: March 31, 2014
Last Seen: September 17, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

BlackOS is a tool that ill-minded persons use to cause browser redirects and drive online traffic to specific websites. In many cases, these websites may be threatening or have been compromised with unsafe content in order to infect the visitors' computers with threats. BlackOS has been involved in several attacks involving these types of tactics. BlackOS first started to garner interest in February of 2014, when BlackOS was first advertised on forums used by hackers. PC security analysts have noted numerous similarities between BlackOS and Tale of the North, a similar threat component that was active in the Summer and Fall of 2013.

BlackOS’ Features and Capabilities

BlackOS is designed to make hacking and online attacks easier to carry out. BlackOS can automate many of the aspects involved in managing and exploiting an attack website. BlackOS allows criminals to obtain larger revenues by making their attacks less complicated to carry out. The main way in which BlackOS helps its users is by providing a helpful Web interface that is used to manage the attack website and observe its online traffic. Using this Web interface, cybercrooks may manage high volumes of online traffic, inject threats and cause redirects. In many cases, BlackOS and components similar to BlackOS may be associated with spam email messages and social engineering tactics in order to initiate the redirects.

Understanding How BlackOS Works

Tools like BlackOS may be used to manage incoming traffic initiated in links contained in spam email messages or from other sources. Depending on the victims' geographic location, BlackOS may be used to redirect computer users to specific websites. Tale of the North was created by Peter Sevara and a team of third parties. Sevara is currently facing criminal charges for misleading tactics involving this threat and the Kelihos botnet. PC security researchers suspect that BlackOS is the work of Sevara's former partners. Despite the fact that BlackOS makes threat attacks more accessible, BlackOS is also very expensive to use. A yearly subscription will charge its costumers close to four thousand dollars.


BlackOS may call the following URLs:


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