Issue Monitor Not Showing Correct Resolution Settings

Monitor Not Showing Correct Resolution Settings

Monitors have become one of the most important aspects of any computer. After all, nowadays we are almost forced to look at a monitor for extended periods each and every day. Any issues could lead to an endless stream of increasing frustration. One of the potential problems could be the monitor not showing the correct resolution. 

The causes for this particular issue could vary ranging from incompatibility between the monitor itself and the other components of the computer to outdated graphics drivers. Users may need to try several potential solutions until they discover the one that works for them.

Check the cables

Let's start by making sure that a correct interface cable has been plugged into the monitor. An incorrect cable could have a massive impact on the available resolution options shown in the monitor's settings and in the way that graphical information is being displayed. After all, there are several interfaces with different requirements and capabilities - HDMI is not the same as a VGA connection. Then, if possible, try to avoid any adapters as they could introduce additional issues. 

Check the hardware specifications

The output of the installed GPU (graphics card) also could limit the resolution options available on the monitor. Even if your monitor can support 4k resolution, that means nothing if the other components are incapable of even reaching such outputs. 

Reinstall or update the graphics drivers

If the issue is on the software side, then there is a high chance that is being caused by a malfunctioning graphics driver. To rectify the problem, open the management software for your graphics card and check if a new update has been released. Install all available updates and see if the monitor is now working properly. 

Otherwise, uninstall the GPU driver altogether and restart the computer. The OS (Operating System) should install a basic graphics driver. Now, go to the official website for your graphics card, navigate through the available options, and download the latest driver package for your GPU model. 
