Issue How to Troubleshoot the Microphone on your Mac

How to Troubleshoot the Microphone on your Mac

Having a properly functioning microphone has become a necessity for millions of people worldwide. As such, any issues that crop up in an inopportune moment could be a major source of frustration. To troubleshoot several solutions that could fix the microphone on your Mac computer quickly, follow the instructions outlined below. 

 The first step is to check if the microphone is even working. Users can do so through the built-in QuickTime Player application. Go to the Launchpad and start QuickTime Player. From the application's menu, click on 'File,' followed by 'New Audio Recording.' Turn up the volume and start speaking. If you hear your voice then the microphone is functioning properly. 

 Now, try to remember if the problem first appeared after an application was recently installed. Third-party applications can sometimes hijack the system's microphone and stop it from working with other programs, even native ones such as FaceTime. Another option is to check if the particular application has been granted access to the mic. Open 'System Preferences' from the Apple menu and go to 'Security & Privacy.' Select 'Microphone' from the options on the left. You will be presented with a list of applications. Select the one you need, and check the box next to it to allow the use of the system's microphone. You may have to close the particular application first. 

Another common issue that could affect the microphone is if its volume is set to its minimum as that will mute the device. To fix the problem, users may need to configure the microphone's settings. Go to 'System Preferences,' and open 'Sound.' Select 'Input,' followed by 'internal Microphone.' From the available options, turn the 'Input Volume' to its maximum. Speak into the microphone to check if the Input level bars detect it. 

Systems running macOS Mojave or Catalina may run into a rare mic issue. One potential solution is to reset application permissions through Terminal. Naturally, the first step is to open the Terminal application. You can do so by going to 'Applications' followed by 'Utilities.' Once the Terminal window has appeared, enter the following command and press Return on your keyboard:

rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/ 

If the command doesn’t work, try again by adding sudo in front of it. 

Enter your admin password if prompted, and restart your Mac afterward. Due to all application permissions being reset, users will have to manually allow access to the microphone for the programs they need. 
