Issue How to Manage Camera Access on Mac

How to Manage Camera Access on Mac

Nowadays, more and more applications want to receive a broad set of permissions even if some are not connected with the core functionality of that application. Mac users who wish to manage the Camera Access permissions for the programs they have installed can do so via several different methods, so pick one that best fits your particular needs.

The first option is to use System Preferences. Start by going to the Apple menu and choosing 'System Preferences.' Now, click on 'Security & Privacy' and select 'Camera' from the menu on the left. In the displayed list of applications, you can select specific ones and give them access to the device's camera by ticking the corresponding box.

To enable camera permissions in Google Chrome, open the browser, go to the Chrome menu, and choose 'Preferences.' From the available options, select 'Advanced' followed by 'Privacy & Security.' Locate 'Site Settings' and click on it. Choose 'Camera' and click on 'Ask before accessing.' You can adjust the settings to fit your needs. The steps for reaching the camera permissions settings on other browsers such as Safari and Firefox are similar to the ones for Chrome.

The camera also can be managed through Mac's parental control feature. Open 'System Preferences' available from the Apple menu and choose 'Parental Controls.' Enter your admin password, if prompted. After that, select the 'applications' tab and check 'Allow use of camera.' To block access to the camera, simply uncheck the box.
