Issue How to Fix Apex Legends Crashes & FPS Issues

How to Fix Apex Legends Crashes & FPS Issues

Apex Legends is one of the latest additions to the battle-royale genre that managed to establish its place among the two titans that are Fortnite and PUBG. Apex Legends attracted players with its stable performance, the addition of different character classes with unique abilities while also opting for the free-to-play monetization model.

To improve your FPS (Frames per second) performance in Apex Legends, explore the options listed below:

  1. Open r5apex.exe, select Classic App in Graphics performance, set it to High Performance, and then launch the game as an administrator.
  2. Try using the 'Prefer Maximum Power' setting available in the 'Manage 3D Settings' section of the Nvidia Control Panel.
  3. Try enabling G-Sync or Freesync depending on your GPU.

It is impossible to eliminate all the bugs and glitches from a software product, however, and certain users have been experiencing sub-optimal performance that could include FPS drops or crashes. Some of the issues might be connected to specific hardware components found in the user's computer system. For example, Apex Legends cannot run on AMD Phenom CPUs (Central Processing Units) at all. Users will be forced to switch to a newer processor if they want to play the game.

Another common cause for game issues is the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). Several errors reported by users - DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG, CreateShaderResourceView failed, and DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED, are confirmed to be caused by drivers for NVIDIA GeForce 2080TI. Users are advised to either rollback their GPU driver to an earlier stable version or install any newer drivers that have been released. In general, it is recommended to install newer drivers for your GPU wherever they become available, as they often include game optimizations and fixes for popular issues.
