Issue How to Convert PDF to JPG Files on Mac

How to Convert PDF to JPG Files on Mac

PDF has established itself as the preferred file format when it comes to sending documents over the Internet. However, sometimes we still need to use other file formats due to certain websites not supporting PDFs or if a picture format would be more appropriate. That is why users are often forced to look for functional PDF converters. Luckily, Mac users can use the features are come built-in with their Mac to accomplish this goal. We will offer two solutions depending on whether you need to convert PDFs regularly or it is just from time to time. 

Using Preview

Converting a PDF to a JPG with Preview\ takes just a couple of clicks and is extremely easy.

  1. Open Finder and locate the desired PDF file.
  2. Right-click it and select 'Open With' followed by 'Preview.'
  3. Now, go to the 'File' menu, and from the available options pick 'Export.'
  4. Select the new format, JPG in this case.
  5. Choose a name for the new file and the location where it will be saved.
  6. Finally, click the 'Save' button.

Using Automator Quick Actions

If you need to convert numerous PDFs or you have to do it frequently, using Automator could be of great help. It allows users to set up 'quick actions,' which can be described as a shortcut that can be accessed more easily. If you are unfamiliar with Automator, do not worry. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Open Automator and click on 'New Document.'
  2. From the available options, select 'Quick Action' followed by 'Choose.'
  3. Locate the Variables search field and type 'Render PDF Pages as Images' in it.
  4. Drag it over to the workflow window located on the right side.
  5. Check the 'Format' drop-down menu and make sure it is set to JPEG.
  6. Move back to the Variables search field, but this time type 'Move Finder Items' in it.
  7. Again, drag it to the workflow window below 'Render PDF Pages as Images.'
  8. Look at the 'To' drop-down menu and use it to select the destination folder where the file will be created.
  9. Go to the 'File' menu and select 'Save.'
  10. Give a name to the quick action. Something like 'PDF to JPG' could be appropriate. 
  11. Now, use Finder to select all PDFs that you need to be converted. 
  12. Control-click them.
  13. From the displayed options, select 'Quick Actions' and then 'PDF to JPG.'