
By GoldSparrow in Browser Hijackers

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 50 % (Medium)
Infected Computers: 14
First Seen: August 18, 2015
Last Seen: June 2, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

If your starting site becomes www-homepage.com without your authorization, it may mean that there is a browser hijacker in your system. This search page has visual similarities with established search engines. On first sight, you may assume www-homepage.com is an equally reliable alternative. However, this may not be true because www-homepage.com may not display accurate results. This platform has been developed to make some third-party domains more popular. When you initiate a search, you may see a list of sponsored sites in the first few result pages. The experts don't encourage you to use this engine because it has no reliable mechanism that can block potentially harmful sites. If some of the partner pages host harmful software, your PC may get infected. Some suspicious domains also may try to trick you by asking you to dial fake technical support agents for assistance. Even if you are in luck and avoid such unfavorable scenarios, you may still be dissatisfied with www-homepage.com.

The fact that www-homepage.com lists its partners without paying much attention to your search terms means you may be transferred towards irrelevant sites. The process of finding the information or software you need may take much more time than usual. As long as the browser hijacker remains, you may encounter the unreliable search provider whenever you go online. It doesn't matter if you use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer because the browser hijacker may compromise all of them. This unwanted tool may enter in case you download software bundles without reading the details. Once this parasite takes control of your Web clients, it may be a difficult task to disable www-homepage.com manually. For the best results in this endeavor, the experts advise you to use a leading anti-malware utility.


www-homepage.com may call the following URLs:



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