Threat Database Worms Worm:VBS/Serverons.A


By JubileeX in Worms

Worm:VBS/Serverons.A is a worm that steals information about the corrupted PC and transmits it to a remote location. Worm:VBS/Serverons.A circulates to other affected PCs by creating copies of itself. Worm:VBS/Serverons.A does this by corrupting removable drives, such as USB keys or portable hard disks, that the computer user has plugged into the PC. If the computer user then plugs those drives into another PC, Worm:VBS/Serverons.A will corrupt that PC as well. Once installed, Worm:VBS/Serverons.A makes system modifications by downloading malevolent files on the attacked PC. Worm:VBS/Serverons.A also modifies the Windows Registrys. Worm:VBS/Serverons.A disguises all current shortcut files (.lnk) on the removable drive, and then creates its own shortcut file (help.lnk), which, when opened, will execute the copy of Worm:VBS/Serverons.A on the drive. Worm:VBS/Serverons.A does this with an aim to attract or dupe the target PC user into opening the file, thinking it is a legal help file. Worm:VBS/Serverons.A grabs information about the compromised PC involving user name, computer's name and version or edition of Windows installed on the PC. Worm:VBS/Serverons.A transfers this information to a particular web address.

File System Details

Worm:VBS/Serverons.A may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. help.lnk
2. help.vbs

Registry Details

Worm:VBS/Serverons.A may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\updatee = "y" (if the file name is help.vbs), "n" (if the file name is not help.vbs)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run help.vbs [location and file name of the worm], for example %TEMP%\help.vbs


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