Threat Database Worms WORM_KOOBFACE.IT


By JubileeX in Worms

WORM_KOOBFACE.IT is a worm that propagates via social networking websites. WORM_KOOBFACE.IT can be obtained when browsing malicious websites or it can be unknowingly downloaded with other software. Once inside a machine, WORM_KOOBFACE.IT will connect with remote URLs and receive commands. WORM_KOOBFACE.IT may download potentially harmful files onto the infected system from a remote server.

WORM_KOOBFACE.IT will then search for social networking website cookies and connect to these websites using the user login session stored in the cookies. On accessing a victim's social account, WORM_KOOBFACE.IT will send a copy of itself, in the form of a link, to all the people on the victim's friends list. WORM_KOOBFACE.IT is an infectious worm that should be removed with an effective anti-spyware application immediately after detection.

File System Details

WORM_KOOBFACE.IT may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. %Windows%\bill102.exe
2. %Windows%\bk23567.dat

Registry Details

WORM_KOOBFACE.IT may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
sysfbtray = "%Windows%\bill102.exe"


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