Threat Database Worms Worm.BAT.Autorun.hi


By ZulaZuza in Worms

Worm.BAT.Autorun.hi is malicious computer worm which spreads and replicates itself by using vulnerabilities of network channel. Worm.BAT.Autorun.hi can also infect PCs via malicious file sharing, insecure email attachments or even instant messages. Once Worm.BAT.Autorun.hi enters a targeted computer system, it can harm computer system files and create more security holes to make the affected computer available for additional malware threats. Remove Worm.BAT.Autorun.hi from the infected computer as quickly as possible.

File System Details

Worm.BAT.Autorun.hi may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. c:\svcsrss.exe
2. %System%\svcsrss.exe
3. c:\Autorun.inf
4. %System%\regedit
5. %System%\drivers\etc\host1

Registry Details

Worm.BAT.Autorun.hi may create the following registry entry or registry entries:


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