Threat Database Trojans TROJ_RENOS.SMCP


TROJ_RENOS.SMCP is a harmful Trojan usually found on systems running Internet Explorer. TROJ_RENOS.SMCP is able to enter systems by exploiting IE vulnerabilities or it can be obtained when browsing malicious websites. Once executed, TROJ_RENOS.SMCP will inject code into certain processes, make changes to the Windows registry and connect with a remote server in order to download and execute more dangerous files on the compromised machine. Once it has completed its task, TROJ_RENOS.SMCP will delete itself.

File System Details

TROJ_RENOS.SMCP may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. safari.exe
2. iexplore.exe
3. firefox.exe

Registry Details

TROJ_RENOS.SMCP may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
EnableLUA = "0"


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