Threat Database Trojans Trojan.Namsal


By SpideyMan in Trojans

Trojan.Namsal is a dangerous trojan virus, which uses malicious tricks to download nasty malware from the web. Trojan.Namsal displays annoying pop-up messages and disables certain functions of the computer, harms data and hard disks quickly. Trojan.Namsal can block victims from accessing anti-virus websites and corrupt both local and network computers. Trojan.Namsal opens up firewalls and gathers sensitive data, such as personal and financial information. Trojan.Namsal also downloads additional components before the attackers gain the remote access to the compromised PC. Remove Trojan.Namsal before it penetrates and results in irretrievable losses.

File System Details

Trojan.Namsal may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. %PROGRAM_FILES%\Trojan.Namsal
2. C:\Documents and Settings\\Start Menu\Trojan.Namsal\
3. C:\Documents and Settings\\Trojan.Namsal\

Registry Details

Trojan.Namsal may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "[RANDOM CHARACTERS]"

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