Threat Database Trojans Tool-TPatch


By Domesticus in Trojans

Tool-TPatch is a hazardous backdoor Trojan that is capable to download and install treacherous applications onto a system without the user's permission or knowledge. Tool-TPatch tries to download onto the affected system in the background. Tool-TPatch can disable security tools and firewall, install rogue anti-spyware programs, modify system files, and destroy files in your drive. Tool-TPatch may transmit information from your computer to a third party (a cybercriminal), information such as credit card information, passwords from your e-mail accounts, personal messages, etc. You should use a trustworthy and legitimate anti-malware program to remove Tool-TPatch and all its components from the corrupted computer.

File System Details

Tool-TPatch may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\.exe
2. %Temp%\8.exe
3. %Temp%\2ae4224e.exe
4. %CommonPrograms%\Startup\dll32.exe

Registry Details

Tool-TPatch may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices\[RANDOM CODE NUMBER]


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