Threat Database Adware ShopScouter


By GoldSparrow in Adware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 8,885
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 319
First Seen: April 1, 2015
Last Seen: August 24, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The ShopScouter browser add-on may appeal to users that want to discover interesting websites, find great deals and learn how to dress better. However, the ShopScouter add-on is recognized as adware by security analysts because it displays advertisements in your web browser aggressively. If you are experiencing ads by ShopScouter, you may have installed it as an additional component of a freeware installer via the 'Typical' or 'Express' option. Also, the IP address of ShopScouter's official website is associated with several variants of the Sality threat. Computer users infected with the ShopScouter should avoid clicking on links that lead to suspicious online locations and low-quality online shops because vulnerabilities in their web browser could be exploited by third parties. The ShopScouter adware may present you with an abundance of ad boxes, pop-ups, and pop-unders as well as in-text hyperlinks to sponsored products and services. Security analysts note that the ShopScouter adware may insert a registry key in Windows to auto-start with your system and record your browsing history. You might want to purge all files related to the ShopScouter adware from your machine by using a reputable anti-malware application.

SpyHunter Detects & Remove ShopScouter


ShopScouter may create the following directory or directories:

%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ShopScouter


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