Threat Database Adware

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 46
First Seen: December 20, 2023
Last Seen: December 22, 2023

While browsing the Internet, users navigate through various websites, trusting their browsers to provide a safe and secure online experience. However, not all online encounters are benign, and one of the threats that users may encounter is browser hijackers. One such browser hijacker that has gained attention is is a browser hijacker that, once installed on a user's system, takes control of the Web browser settings without the user's consent. It typically targets popular browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge, altering their homepage, search engine and new tab settings. Users may find themselves redirected to or affiliated websites when they launch their browsers or attempt to search the Web.

How Invades a Computer

Browser hijackers often employ deceptive tactics to infiltrate a user's system. may be bundled with freeware or shareware, posing as a legitimate browser extension or application during the installation process. Users who hastily click through installation prompts without thoroughly reviewing them may inadvertently give permission for to be installed.

Additionally, fraudulent advertisements, compromised websites, or phishing emails may serve as vehicles for to enter a user's system. Once installed, it embeds itself into the browser, making it challenging for users to remove through conventional means.

The Impact of on the User Experience

Once gains control, it can significantly impact the user's online experience. Users may notice frequent and unwanted redirects to sponsored websites, changes in their default search engine, and an influx of intrusive pop-up advertisements. The hijacker also may collect user data, such as browsing history and search queries, to tailor its advertising efforts and potentially share this information with third parties.

Browser hijackers like raise significant security concerns for users. The constant redirection to potentially unsafe websites increases the risk of exposure to unsafe content, including phishing tactics and malware. Users may unknowingly download unsafe software or provide sensitive information on fraudulent websites, compromising their privacy and security.

Removing from a system can be challenging due to its persistence. Users can, however, take several steps to mitigate the risks and prevent the hijacker's intrusion:

  1. Use Reliable Security Software: Employ reputable anti-malware software to scan and protect your system from potential threats.
  2. Update Browsers and Software: Ensure that your Web browsers and other software are regularly updated to patch vulnerabilities that hijackers may exploit.
  3. Exercise Caution During Installations: Be vigilant when installing new software and read through installation prompts carefully. Avoid rushing through the process and uncheck any additional software that may be bundled with the desired application.
  4. Browser Settings Check: Regularly review your browser settings to ensure that there are no unauthorized changes. Adjusting the browser settings to default may help eliminate unwanted modifications.
  5. Avoid Suspicious Websites: Exercise caution when visiting unfamiliar or suspicious websites, and be wary of clicking on pop-up advertisements. serves as a reminder of the persistent threats that exist in the online realm. Users must look for information about potential risks and take effective measures to safeguard their digital experiences. By maintaining a cautious approach to online activities and implementing security best practices, users can significantly reduce the likelihood of falling victim to browser hijackers like

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