
By GoldSparrow in Potentially Unwanted Programs

MixMovie is the publisher of browser extensions like MixMovie Start and Search by MixMovie that may be detected by security scanners as PUP.MixMovie. The PUP.MixMovie designation is used by security researchers to notify the user of a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) by MixMovie on their computer. Both MixMovie Start and Search by MixMovie might make unwanted changes to your browser that include changing your default search provider and homepage to Movix.searchalgo.com and disabling your pop-ups defense. The software from MixMovie is supported by advertisers and users may be provided with promotional materials on banners and pop-up windows while surfing the Internet. The software by MixMovie may not be compatible with ad-blockers, and you may notice that they are disabled while MixMovie Start and Search by MixMovie are activated.

MixMovie may load advertisements from sponsors to keep the services of MixMovie Start and Search by MixMovie free of charge to its customers. PC users that want to install the MixMovie Start and Search by MixMovie may benefit from news on upcoming movies, trailers and TV series. Additionally, they may be provided with exclusive interviews with their favorite actors on the small and big screen. You may want to consider the benefits and drawbacks of MixMovie Start and Search by MixMovie carefully. Keep in mind that PUP.MixMovie may use tracking cookies and read data such as your bookmarks collection, IP address and search terms on Google to generate personalized commercials. Using software by MixMovie may prevent you from loading 720p and 1080p videos on YouTube and Vimeo. PUP.mixMovie can be compared to PlusVid and Sexy Tube Mode, and you may want to remove it with the help of a trustworthy anti-spyware solution.

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