Threat Database Ransomware 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker

'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker

By GoldSparrow in Ransomware

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 100 % (High)
Infected Computers: 1
First Seen: November 14, 2016
Last Seen: January 8, 2020
OS(es) Affected: Windows

PC security analysts have received reports of threat attacks involving the 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker. The 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker uses an approach that is quite old, which involves locking the computer users out of their computers. While con artists have favored ransomware Trojans that encrypt the victim's files due to their devastating consequences, in the months of October and November of 2016 there has been a resurgence of classic screen locker attacks, which simply lock computer users out of their computers by using misleading language, social engineering techniques, and a simple attack that is quite simple to remove.

Analyzing the 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker Attack

The 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker is designed to block computer users from using the infected computer. The 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker claims that it has the power to delete the victim's files. Current versions of the 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker don't seem to demand payment to restore access to the victim's computer, although PC security researchers have no doubt those new versions of the 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker will surface and demand payment from victims during the attack. The 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker is being distributed through a fake executable claiming to be a free version of the famous Minecraft video game. Minecraft, one of the most popular video games of all time, costs around $30 USD and is available for nearly every platform (including Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, Xbox, and others). Computer users that are looking for an opportunity to download Minecraft for free may end up frequenting suspicious online locations such as forums with poorly regulated content, where they may download and install the 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker without being aware of its implications.

The Consequences of Installing the 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker

The 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker is disguised as a free version of Minecraft, and is delivered in an executable file named 'Minecraft Magic.exe.' Unfortunately, this file is not a cracked version of Minecraft. Rather, as soon as it is open, it will lock the victim's computer. The 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker's lock screen includes a picture of the Guy Fawkes mask that has been associated with Anonymous. However, this may not indicate that there is a connection between the 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker and Anonymous since this is a fairly popular online icon. PC security researchers strongly advise computer users to avoid cracked games and similar pirated content online. Apart from being illegal, these are one of con artists' preferred methods for distributing threats like the 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker since this content is not regulated or monitored. Also, installing these cracked programs may allow the program crack's creator to have high-level access to the computer users' PCs, which can result in the installation of various threats on the victim's computer.

Recovering from a 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker Attack

The 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker works by blocking computer users from their computers. The 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker displays a lock screen that prevents computer users from running commands or accessing their data. While the 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker is displaying its ransom note, the victim will not be able to run the Windows Task Manager, activate the Windows Registry, or carry out other tasks that could help bypass the 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker lock screen. Fortunately, the password to unlock the infected computer is hard coded into the 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker infection. Simply enter the password '62861094725560' to cause the 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker lock screen to go away. Once you have managed to bypass the 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker lock screen, PC security analysts strongly advise the use of a reliable security program to scan the infected computer and prevent recurrence of this issue.

To prevent future infections similar to the 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker, PC security analysts strongly advise avoiding cracked software and other potentially unsafe online content. Computer users also should take steps to ensure that their computers are protected from threats with an updated security program capable of intercepting the 'MagicMinecraft' Screenlocker.


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