Threat Database Stealers Infostealer.Offsupload


By GoldSparrow in Stealers

Infostealer.Offsupload is a terrible Trojan infection that may steal information from the targeted PC. When Infostealer.Offsupload is executed, it creates the certain registry entry and attempts to save information from profiles in Opera, Firefox and Thunderbird. Infostealer.Offsupload also scans the computer system for Word and Excel files. Infostealer.Offsupload then sets the saved information into the particular system file. Infostealer.Offsupload then uploads the file to a legal file sharing service and forwards the URL for the location of this file to the specific URL. Eliminate Infostealer.Offsupload in order to protect your computer from damage.

File System Details

Infostealer.Offsupload may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections

Registry Details

Infostealer.Offsupload may create the following registry entry or registry entries:


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