Threat Database Ransomware InfoDot Ransomware

InfoDot Ransomware

Recently, a new data-locking Trojan has been spotted. It goes by the name InfoDot Ransomware. Victims of the InfoDot Ransomware have reported that this file-encrypting Trojan is appending different extensions to the locked files. So far, it is known that the InfoDot Ransomware has used the ‘.info@sherbyy[dot]com’ and ‘.info@mymail9[dot]com’ extensions.

Propagation and Encryption

The infection vectors utilized in the spreading of the InfoDot Ransomware are yet to be revealed. Most ransomware threats are usually propagated via mass spam email campaigns. Other common techniques are bogus software updates and fraudulent pirated variants of popular applications. Users need to be very cautious when dealing with emails from unknown sources and make sure to avoid torrenting pirated media or applications as they hide great risks. When the InfoDot Ransomware worms its way into your system, it will scan your files and then trigger the encryption process. This threat uses an encryption algorithm that locks all the marked files and then appends an additional extension to their filenames.

The Ransom Note

When the encryption process of the InfoDot Ransomware is completed, the threat will drop a ransom note. In the note, the attackers ask for 4 Bitcoins, which equates to $32,000 approximately. This is a mind-numbing ransom fee by anyone’s standards, as most authors of ransomware threats tend to demand several hundred dollars as a fee.

Malware experts would advise you not even to consider paying the ransom fee, not only because the sum is unthinkable, but because there is usually absolutely no guarantee that the attackers will hold their end of the bargain and provide you with a functioning decryption key. A smarter approach in this difficult situation is to download and install a legitimate anti-malware application and use it to remove the InfoDot Ransomware safely from your system. Next, you can try to get some of the lost files with the help of a third-party data-recovery solution but do not expect wonders as the results will likely be disappointing.


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