Threat Database Browser Hijackers

By GoldSparrow in Browser Hijackers is a domain name that may be used by cyber crooks to host pop-ups that may be distributed among users with the help of adware and malware. The pop-ups may contain misleading information about virus infections, PC issues, corrupted files, and other symptoms of computer trouble. The goal of these bogus messages is to convince the viewer that they need to seek professional assistance so that they can deal with their newly found computer problems. The catch is that most users most likely don't have any problems with their computer, and the pop-ups they see are merely an attempt to scare them into believing the cyber crooks responsible for the fake alerts.

The bogus messages may be accompanied by a phone desk number and a message that urges the user to call the number so that their computer issues can be resolved. The user may think that they'll be contacting a reputable and experienced online tech support staff, but in reality they are just proceeding to the next step of a fraudulent scam whose goal is to steal money and information from unsuspecting PC users. If you ever see pop-ups don't believe the information they provide! These pop-ups are used to promote a scam that you certainly don't want to be involved in, so stay away from them. If the pop-ups don't stop appearing, you may want to run a scan your computer for malware, because cyber threats may be used to inject the pop-ups in your web browser.


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