Flare Search

Flare Search is the name of a shady Web browser add-on, which may claim to offer you enhanced search results every time you execute a search query. However, this is not exactly the case. Dodgy applications like the Flare Search extension are known to exaggerate their usefulness in order to mislead users into installing them. The main purpose of the Flare Search add-on is not to offer you great service, but to help an affiliated website boost its traffic and revenue.

The site in question is hosted at Flaresearch.net. This is a basic search engine, which cannot compete with the excellent services provided by search aggregators such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. When you install the Flare Search Web browser extension, this application will alter the settings of your system without your permission. This will result in the Flaresearch.net site being set up as your default new tab page. Needless to say, legitimate applications ask for the explicit consent of their users before they modify their system's settings. This is why the Flare Search add-on is considered to be a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program).

It is advisable to remove the Flare Search PUP from your PC sooner rather than later. You can easily do this using the help of a genuine anti-spyware utility.


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