
By GoldSparrow in Potentially Unwanted Programs

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 1,724
Threat Level: 10 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 14,783
First Seen: April 8, 2016
Last Seen: September 21, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The DriverUpdaterPro software is promoted at as tool that is 'designed to eliminate driver problems for both internal and external devices.' The DriverUpdaterPro software is developed and maintained by the oTweak Software, and its trial version is deployed via freeware bundles actively. The trial version of the DriverUpdaterPro software allows users to make an analysis of their system and see if there are updated versions of their drivers available. The DriverUpdaterPro program may define an auto-start registry entry and launch on system startup. The trial version of the DriverUpdaterPro program may show pop-up windows that urge users to pay $60 and have their drivers updated and backed up automatically. Moreover, the pop-ups by DriverUpdaterPro do not have a close button and users may not be able to open other programs for several minutes. The practices that are employed by the oTweak Software do not do them a favor, and the DriverUpdaterPro application is classified as a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP).

You may want to remove the DriverUpdaterPro application considering that its creators are not recognized as legitimate services providers by manufacturers like Acer, IBM, AMD and Intel. Another disconcerting fact is that there are many cases where the trial version of DriverUpdaterPro is seen packed with the PWSteal.Perfwo.B.dll cyber threat. The reputation of the DriverUpdaterPro software is far from good and is similar to the Max Driver Updater and the Super Driver Updater. Computer users need to rethink installing the DriverUpdaterPro application and might not feel comfortable paying $60 for a program that may cause system crashes and security problems. It is advisable to use a credible anti-spyware tool to remove corrupted versions of DriverUpdaterPro and associated threats that may slow down your PC and collect information on your PC.

File System Details

DriverUpdaterPro may create the following file(s):
# File Name MD5 Detections
1. C:\Program Files\otweak\driverupdaterpro\driverupdaterpro.exe 06b677f6b5d26052c2b9c5e2c16c80ef
2. C:\Program Files\oTweak\DriverUpdaterPro\uninst.exe


DriverUpdaterPro may call the following URLs:


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