Doppler Weather Radar

The Doppler Weather Radar program from Polarity Technologies Ltd is made available to Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox users that may be looking for a weather widget. The Doppler Weather Radar can be installed to your Web browser for free, and you can benefit from real-time alerts by The Doppler Weather Radar application is designed to change your default new tab page to h[tt]ps://search.hdopplerweatherradar[.]co, read your Internet history, detect third-party extensions and deliver targeted commercials. As mentioned above, Doppler Weather Radar is made by Polarity that is a marketing company, and you should expect a certain degree of cross-site tracking and delivery of promotional messages to your browser.

The Doppler Weather Radar New Tab residues links to services like,,, and You are not required to have the Doppler Weather Radar New Tab installed if you wish to take advantage of said services. The Doppler Weather Radar New Tab does not offer customization options, and it is used as a search terms siphon and ad platform by Polarity. The search bar at search.hdopplerweatherradar[.]co redirects users to Yahoo and there is no option to change the default search within the Doppler Weather Radar extension. Polarity Technologies Ltd shares information like your Web history, search terms, downloads and installed software with marketers to offer better-suited ads on supported pages. Web surfers may not want experience redirects from the Doppler Weather Radar New Tab to services like and The Doppler Weather Radar application is deemed as a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) that you might want to consider for removal.


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