
By GoldSparrow in Trojans

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 80 % (High)
Infected Computers: 21
First Seen: September 7, 2016
Last Seen: October 16, 2020
OS(es) Affected: Windows

DiamondFox is a threatening botnet that is being used for numerous attacks. DiamondFox can be adapted for multiple purposes. DiamondFox has been linked to attacks involving the theft of credit card data from PoS (Point of Sale) systems, as well as the theft of online passwords and login credentials. DiamondFox, like other botnets, is made up of numerous infected computers that can be coordinated to carry out powerful attacks. One of the threatening aspects of DiamondFox is that it is available to hackers that may not have the capabilities or the access to a botnet like this one, with its services being advertised on underground forums.

The Harmful Actions Perpetrated by the DiamondFox Botnet

PC security analysts first came across DiamondFox by analyzing threat infections, uncovering a botnet that was developed in VB6. DiamondFox, also known as Gorynch, has numerous functions that make it an attractive option for hackers looking to carry out various types of attacks. DiamondFox may be used to carry out DdoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, where a website or computer can be overloaded with requests from numerous bots; as a RAM scraper, where DiamondFox will track credit card information by scanning the target's network traffic and memory; and password collector (among numerous other features). However, despite that DiamondFox has numerous features, PC security researchers have observed various abnormalities in the DiamondFox's code.

Some of the features that DiamondFox offers con artists for carrying out their attacks include:

  • DiamondFox can detect if it is running on a virtual machine, which allows it to evade detection from PC security analysts.
  • DiamondFox can detect other security methods such as debuggers and researcher applications.
  • DiamondFox can be configured to be installed in a variety of manners and to maintain persistence in custom ways.
  • DiamondFox can delete itself permanently to evade analysis.
  • DiamondFox includes a keylogger function, that can track what is typed on the target's keyboard.
  • DiamondFox can spread through USB external memory devices.
  • DiamondFox can disable the Task Manager, the Windows Registry Editor, and other useful applications for dealing with threats.
  • DiamondFox can take screenshots of the victim's computer and send them to its Command and Control server.
  • DiamondFox's functions can be expanded through the use of plug-ins.

Researchers will find it interesting to know that DiamondFox will look for the following strings in the computer where it is running to detect whether it is running on a virtual system or researcher computer:


How Botnets Such as DiamondFox Work

Botnets are a large part of how threats spread and attacks are carried out. Con artists will leverage the power of these large networks of computers to send out massive amounts of spam email, infect computers with threats, or interfere with websites and servers through DdoS attacks. In most cases, the computers in the botnet belong to innocent computer users. DiamondFox will be installed on the victim's computer, allowing third parties to control the computer from a remote location and use it in their attacks. While a single computer, by itself, may not be capable of doing much, thousands of computers working together from different parts of the world can carry out mass operations that are a large part of what makes threat attacks so effective. If you suspect that your computer has become infected with DiamondFox and is connecting to a Command and Control server automatically, you should disconnect it from the Internet and use a reliable security program to detect and remove the DiamondFox. Preventive methods are essential in ensuring that DiamondFox does not enter your computer in the first place.

SpyHunter Detects & Remove DiamondFox

File System Details

DiamondFox may create the following file(s):
# File Name MD5 Detections
1. file.exe 6dd004531a0d20c8378815f613837b6b 0
2. file.exe 1a7561a0759e02d96b349fd520c04bff 0
3. file.exe 192973458e74aed3329c42cee89801e0 0


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