
By ZulaZuza in Adware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 16,651
Threat Level: 10 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 2
First Seen: February 7, 2014
Last Seen: June 20, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

BuzzWords is adware that may display pop-up advertisements, discount coupons, offers, and sponsored links in the form of a pop-up box on online shopping and other websites that PC users are visiting. The pop-up advertisements labelled as 'Ads by BuzzWords' may be displayed as boxes, which may contain a variety of discount coupons and deals, which, when clicked by PC users, may forcibly divert them to suspicious websites that may be commercial. BuzzWords is a browser extension, plug-in or add-on for the Web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome that may commonly be inserted when the computer user installs free applications that might had packed into their installation BuzzWords. When the computer user installs free applications, he may also install BuzzWords.


BuzzWords may call the following URLs:


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