Threat Database Adware BlockTheAds Ads

BlockTheAds Ads

By GoldSparrow in Adware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 6,607
Threat Level: 80 % (High)
Infected Computers: 1,114
First Seen: July 8, 2015
Last Seen: September 20, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

BlockTheAds is an application developed by Webpick Internet Holdings. The purpose of this software is to enhance the browsing experience of PC users by blocking unwanted advertisements, and, therefore, improve the browser's performance and reduce clutter. The tool may sound pretty handy for now, but its publishers may have forgotten to mention that their software is ad-supported. BlockTheAds may prevent websites from showing their advertisements, but it won't solve the issue. Instead, it will insert its ads into the place of the original ones, therefore robbing the website's authors from their revenue. This technique is very questionable, and our security researchers recommend that you stay away from BlockTheAds, or any other product coming from Webpick Internet Holdings.

The company is renowned for its adware, and BlockTheAds isn't any different. As soon as you install this app, it may inject BlockTheAds ads in your web browsers. Unfortunately, injecting ads isn't the only thing this frustrating application can do. It may also work in the background and collect data regarding your browsing habits. If this software is installed on your PC, we advise you to use a legitimate anti-malware solution that should easily get rid of the BlockTheAds adware.


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