Threat Database Potentially Unwanted Programs Web Tab Live Browser Extension

Web Tab Live Browser Extension

Upon conducting a thorough examination of the Web Tab Live browser extension, it has come to light that this particular software possesses the capability to hijack a Web browser by making unauthorized changes to its settings. In essence, Web Tab Live operates as a browser hijacker, specifically engineered with the intention of endorsing and directing users to the website. This entails setting as their primary search engine, thereby boosting the visibility and traffic to this site.

Browser Hijackers Like the Web Tab Live may Lead to Significant Privacy Risks

he Web Tab Live exerts a substantial influence on users' browsing experience by configuring as the homepage, new tab page and default search engine in their Web browsers. This essentially means that when users open their browsers and initiate search queries, they are invariably directed to However, it's crucial to note that isn't a standalone search engine; instead, it redirects users to, a reputable and legitimate search engine. This redirection tactic effectively classifies as a fake search engine.

Furthermore, may have the capacity to gather a wide range of user data, encompassing browsing history, search queries, IP addresses, geolocation information, device specifications, and browser characteristics. In more worrisome scenarios, personally identifiable information may be collected if users inadvertently disclose it during their interactions with the site. This data collection raises privacy and security concerns, as users' sensitive information may be misused or exposed to malicious actors.

Fake search engines, like, are notorious for delivering search results that can be misleading or untrustworthy. They often employ deceptive strategies to lure users, which can result in search results that lack accuracy, credibility, and relevance. Users may encounter links to low-quality websites, ads, or potentially harmful content in search results, undermining their ability to find reliable information. This points to the importance of exercising caution and verifying the legitimacy of search engines and browser extensions to maintain a safe and trustworthy online experience.

Browser Hijackers Rely Heavily on Questionable Practices for Their Installation

Browser hijackers rely heavily on questionable practices to infiltrate a user's Web browser and take control of various settings. These practices are often deceptive and manipulative, aimed at tricking users into unintentionally installing the hijacker. Here's how browser hijackers commonly employ such tactics:

  • Bundling with Software: Browser hijackers are frequently bundled with seemingly legitimate software, such as free applications, games or browser extensions. Users may inadvertently install the hijacker when they download and install the primary software without realizing it.
  •  Fake Updates: Hijackers may pose as software updates or security patches. Users are prompted to install these 'updates' to enhance their browsing experience or protect their system. In reality, these updates introduce the hijacker to the system.
  •  Misleading Pop-ups and Advertisements: Unsafe websites and pop-ups display convincing messages, like fake virus warnings or offers for free software. Users, concerned about their security or enticed by freebies, might click on these pop-ups and inadvertently install the hijacker.
  •  Social Engineering: Some hijackers employ social engineering tactics, like warning users that their system is infected or they need to install a necessary tool. Users, out of fear or a sense of urgency, may follow the prompts.
  •  Email Attachments and Links: Phishing emails often contain attachments or links that lead to the installation of browser hijackers when opened or clicked. Users may not suspect anything amiss, especially if the email appears convincing.
  •  Third-Party Websites: Users searching for software online may end up on third-party download websites that are not the official source. These sites may bundle the software with browser hijackers or other unwanted programs.
  •  Pre-checked Boxes: During software installations, some hijackers pre-select boxes that agree to the installation of additional software (the hijacker). Users who don't notice or uncheck these boxes inadvertently install the hijacker.

Browser hijackers rely on these questionable practices to exploit users' trust, curiosity, and lack of vigilance. To avoid falling victim to these tactics, users should be cautious when downloading software, ensure they download from reputable sources, read installation prompts carefully, and maintain up-to-date anti-malware protection. Regularly scrutinizing their browsers for unwanted extensions and using security tools that can block malicious websites also helps prevent browser hijackers from infiltrating their systems.


Web Tab Live Browser Extension may call the following URLs:



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