Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 7,103
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 851
First Seen: October 20, 2022
Last Seen: September 24, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The page uses misleading alert messages to trick its visitors. Indeed, this rogue page has been confirmed to run a version of the 'You've visited illegal infected website' scam. Users who land on the website are likely to be presented with several pop-ups and the main misleading page.

All of the messages displayed by will likely appear as if coming from a reputable security company. For example, when examining the page, infosec researchers saw that it misrepresented its fabricated security warnings as if they are delivered by the legitimate McAfee company. The fraudulent page used McAfee's name, branding, and interface design, even though the company is in no way connected to it.

Users also should pay attention to the warnings often encountered on these rogue sites. Many deceiving pages pretend to perform a threat scan of the user's device and then claim to have identified multiple, serious malware threats. These claims are entirely false because, in reality, no website is capable of running such scans on its own.

Typically, the goal of the con artists behind pages like is to scare their victims into buying a subscription for a legitimate security application. Then, they would receive commission fees based on the number of completed transactions through affiliate schemes.

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