Threat Database Potentially Unwanted Programs The Pray Time Browser Extension

The Pray Time Browser Extension

Upon thorough investigation, cybersecurity researchers have determined that The Pray Time application operates as a browser hijacker, aiming to promote a misleading search engine. Like other applications of its kind, The Pray Time employs browser hijacking techniques by modifying the configuration settings of a user's web browser. This manipulation of settings is intended to redirect users to a deceptive search engine, potentially compromising their online experience and privacy.

Browser Hijackers Like The Pray Time Take Over Crucial Browser Settings

The Pray Time employs a browser hijacking technique by altering key browser settings, such as the default search engine, homepage, and new tab pages, redirecting users to, a deceptive search engine. Interestingly, this fake search engine ultimately redirects users to the legitimate search engine, However, it is crucial to understand that utilizing or The Pray Time does not guarantee a safe online experience.

Fake search engines are notorious for delivering inaccurate and unreliable search results, exposing users to misleading information and deceptive advertisements. Additionally, these fraudulent search engines, along with browser hijackers, often engage in the unauthorized collection and potential misuse of user data, including search queries, browsing patterns, and personal information.

Removing and The Pray Time from web browsers may be challenging, as many browser hijackers employ persistence mechanisms, thus resisting conventional removal methods. They may reinstall themselves or leave behind residual components that continue to impact the browser even after apparent removal.

Moreover, the presence of browser hijackers can significantly degrade the browsing experience, leading to slowdowns in speed and overall performance. Users may encounter frustrations such as delays, freezes, or crashes while attempting to navigate the internet. It is fundamental for users to remain vigilant, employing effective security measures to safeguard against the potential risks associated with The Pray Time and similar browser hijacking activities.

Users may not Realize that Browser Hijackers are being Installed on Their Devices

Users may unwittingly have browser hijackers installed on their devices due to deceptive distribution techniques employed by malicious actors. Here's an explanation of how users may not realize this is happening:

  • Bundled Software: Browser hijackers often piggyback on seemingly legitimate software or applications during the installation process. Users may download and install a seemingly harmless program only to find that a browser hijacker was included as part of the package. These bundled installations may not explicitly disclose the presence of the hijacker, leading users to install it alongside the desired software unintentionally.
  •  Misleading Advertisements: Fraudulent advertisements, commonly known as malvertisements, may trick users into clicking on them. These ads could be designed to mimic legitimate download buttons or notifications, leading users to download and install browser hijackers inadvertently. Users may not realize that the seemingly harmless action of clicking on an ad can result in the installation of unwanted software.
  •  Fake Software Updates: Cybercriminals often use fake software update notifications to deceive users. They may present pop-ups claiming that a critical update is required for a commonly used application, browser, or plugin. Unsuspecting users, thinking they are maintaining their software's security, may click on these deceptive update prompts, unknowingly installing browser hijackers instead.
  •  Social Engineering: Deceptive social engineering techniques involve tricking users into taking actions that they believe are safe or necessary. This can include fake emails, messages, or alerts that appear legitimate and prompt users to click on links or download files. Users may not realize that they are falling victim to a social engineering strike, leading to the accidental installation of browser hijackers.
  •  Disguised Browser Extensions: Some browser hijackers disguise themselves as seemingly helpful browser extensions or plugins. Users may be enticed to install these extensions, believing they add value to their browsing experience. However, these seemingly benign extensions can modify browser settings and engage in hijacking activities without the user's awareness.

In summary, the deceptive distribution techniques employed by those behind browser hijackers can mislead users into unintentionally installing these unsafe programs. It's essential for users to exercise caution when downloading software, clicking on ads, responding to messages, and updating applications to avoid falling victim to such deceptive practices. Employing reliable security software and keeping software up-to-date can also help prevent the inadvertent installation of browser hijackers.


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